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Change from zopiclone to zolpidem?


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I was just thinking if it is possible to change from zopiclone to stilnoct (zolpidem) if you are going to quit using zopiclone? If you, lets say, use stilnoct for two weeks (you can not form an addiction on only a few days) and at the same time taper zopiclone. Then the addiction to zopiclone will go away and then you can quit stilnoct? You would also be able to sleep during this time?

I am realizing that this is naive but is there an explanation to why this would not work as they are different types of drugs.

I have avsked my doctor about this but She don’t seem to know!?

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Z-drugs are just different flavors of the same thing. Switching from one to the other doesn't make any sense. They all act in a similar manner and can cause the same problems.
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