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Joanna Moncrieff: which book should I buy?


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I looked at Joanna Moncrieff books as I'm searching for something to help me educate the family of a friend who's on anti-psychotics. The A Straight Talking Introduction to Psychiatric Drugs seemed a good book for that purpose, namely because it also addresses other drugs that come hand in hand with anti-psychotics. But I was worried by this review on amazon.co.uk:


"A note of caution, the author advises that it is fine to come off an SSRI such as Prozac immediately, but this is in conflict with advice from everywhere else to cut down slowly. Cutting down slowly is advised so as to avoid extreme physical and emotional symptoms caused by a sudden withdrawal. Although clearly people will make up their own mind about this, perhaps through experience, it is irresponsible to make such a sweeping statement as someone who has not heard any other opinion could suffer as a result".


I also liked the excerpt I read from The Bitterest Pills: The Troubling Story of Antipsychotic Drugs and this book is more recent. But I'm afraid it might be too deep for them.


What do you think?


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The bitterest pill is good, but her y tube on psychotropics is worth a look.



Thanks Dick, I'm watching this one and she's indeed very credible

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