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Does anyone else insomnia coming with health anxiety


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Every time I get insomnia always have a pain or aches and pains and scare me and having terrorizing Health thoughts it's something bad is going to happen and the longer I'm up  has anybody else experienced this I don't do well without a good night sleep my whole next day is already ruined because my anxiety will be at peak level all day because I'll be tired and being tired is a very big trigger mine if not the number one trigger



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It seems like you are having intrusive thoughts regarding your health. You are having them because you are experiencing anxiety which is part of withdrawal syndrome. I would tell you to not give them any meaning, or importance, not to care about them because they are just thoughts, but I know is not that easy. You have to try anyway, and I tell you that even though I know intrusive thoughts are very hard to deal with. I have OCD and benzos withdrawal has made it a lot worse. You have to know that all those thoughts are part of this process and if you didn´t have OCD issues before benzos they are going to disappear, so don´t worry so much. If you are worried about your health check the Ashton manual, you will realize that everything that is happening to you is normal because you have withdrawal syndrome. You are safe and you will heal, keep that in mind.
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Night 2.  Still with insomnia  n i am not tapering im still on 1.625mg daily. Doesn't anyone read. The signatures.  Thanks. For your comment tho


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Are you seeing a psychologist at all? A good psychologist will guide you through a process called cognitive restructuring, a method by which you challenge those intrusive thoughts with logic and evidence. You have to do it repetitiously, and ideally write it down, for it to eventually start changing your thinking.


Health anxiety is something I have definitely experienced, but there are ways you can combat those intrusive thoughts that rev you up. The other method is cognitive defusion, where you separate yourself from those thoughts and observe them, almost like they are in a parade and you are watching those thoughts go by on floats...just an example.


Seriously, look into this stuff. It helps.


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