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Minor Adjustment to Xanax Taper


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I've been mixing two .5 mg tablets (1 mag total) of Xanax with 2 ml vodka and 8 ml water for a two day mixture at a time. No problems with that.


Since I was breaking .5 pills, I find today that I only have half pills of .5, and my cutting was not great on a wild Jan-April all-over-the-map taper. I did use the last full .5 plus two close-in-size half .5 pills tonight to make my two day mix.


Here are my options:


1. I can eyeball the half .5 pills and try to get 4 uniform bits close to half size for my mix for the next few days. I see my GP Monday, and he'll be writing a new .5 script.


2. I have a bottle of .25 with some in half but most intact. I thought they did not work as well, but I think I was confused as they later did the same as the larger dose size cut in half.


3. I have an old bottle of 1 mg from probably back in Oct.


I think I need to decide, so I won't get mixed up. Any thoughts?


Also, I am sorry about members who get c/t by doctors and don't have extra bottles just sitting around. I ask for the weaker pills to cut, but my GP does not support tapering off. So, yes, I do have a lot of this stuff.

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My main goal is to not waste any of the hoarded Xanax (like the half .5 pills).




I was in benzo confusion and took my bottles of pills with me to see the shrink. I asked if she could check that I was taking the correct meds. She changed them constantly and hand wrote cursive directions about taper on/off. She got mad that I asked (and said I had it wrong?) and fired me on the spot as a patient. I did c/t everything then but Xanax prescribed by a GP years ago.


I just want to make sure I keep enough to complete a taper if I get fired as a patient again. It probably won't happen. I checked reviews, and this psychiatrist had done the same/similar with other patients. 

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