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Hyper Sensitivity from Benos!


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Is benzos torture going to end? Prior to benzos my body was ok. Now a slight change in diet or medicine causes my symptoms to flare up. Two months and twenty days. The torture continues.  My heart is  beating rapidly 90  to 120bpm after I took a magnesium pill 250mg. Prior to benzos I took magnisium and never had issues.

I'm having severe joint pain. Benzos have depleted a alot of vitamins from my body. I got sever vitamin d deficency and a friend said magnesium is necessary for bone and joints along with vitamin d. My whole body joint hurts. Magnesium helped but I got severe heart beat and palpations.  It feels I'm on day one of benzo withdrawal.


I want to fire a bullet in my head to end this suffering.

I'm a walikg dead. I cannot tolerate this further.



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I’m so sorry we are going through this.  I’m in month four post CT, and sxs are raging.


You can do this, hold on!


SaraSue  :smitten:

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You finished your taper..when?

What you describe is totally normal and gets better with time. Most of us cannot tolerate suppelemtns until they are over a year or more off. I would not take anything without a bloodiest that has shown huge lacks in minerals or vitamins. Your body needs time..

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At the 2 month mark I was having severe heart palpitations. I could literally hear my heart pounding in my head all day and night for about a month. Very scary, but it did go away.. I am having other rough symptoms at the 9 month mark, but I thought I'd let you know that my terrifying heart palpitations did eventually calm down.

Good luck in your healing :smitten:

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You finished your taper..when?

What you describe is totally normal and gets better with time. Most of us cannot tolerate suppelemtns until they are over a year or more off. I would not take anything without a bloodiest that has shown huge lacks in minerals or vitamins. Your body needs time..

I believe OP had a massive Vit D deficiency which should get addressed immediately. When you increase more Vit D, more Calcium is produced which is the mechanism in muscle that causes them to contract. Magnesium releases them. It’s all related and you need to keep the balance while increasing any deficiency.

Personally, increasing my Vit D level fixed a ton of things I thought were benzo related.

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You're in the very early stages of acute withdrawal, nothing more. There is nothing you need to do but hang on. For the average person, the early stages of acute last 2 to 4 months. Sorry, but that's what it is. Hang on, it will end, and you'll be so happy you had th knowledge and patience to wait it out.


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Two months is not that long , hang in there I was terrible at 2 months but at 4 months i was healed.


Yay Issey!


I love reading your “healed at 4 months” posts!!


SaraSue  :smitten:

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Yay Issey!


I love reading your “healed at 4 months” posts!!


SaraSue  :smitten:



Only to let people know its not a life sentence

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