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Voltage gated calcium channels


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  • 2 weeks later...

I was just reading about this and EMF's.


Do you have a problem with EMFS?

Where were you reading this


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  • 2 weeks later...

Does this ever calm down?


VGCC's have been a subject of much of my amateur research and curiosity over the last 2 years.


To get to the point, they are thought to influence glutamate, specifically with synaptic plasticity in LTP/LTD, but also NMDA receptor up-regulation (https://www.worldcat.org/title/principles-of-neural-science/oclc/970875967).


If you're in LTP, yes, it will eventually calm down but is dependent upon neuro-physiology.


I now believe that BWS may be more an issue of altered genetic expression within these pathways. Given the priority the brain and body hold with glutamate and all things that interfere - both directly and indirectly - it makes sense that this change can occur very quickly and the brain is somewhat reluctant to revert back to something similar to our pre-medicated baseline.


Kindling, setbacks, flare-ups, and up-ticks could all be explained by this.






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  • 4 months later...



I got a PM asking about how VGCCs might be involved in the benzodiazapine experience

Here are a few links that elaborate on the subject.

VGCCs are also involved in the NO/NOS cycle theories as well.




Citation 1:




Citation 2:


Note the hippocampus is very very plastic



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