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At what rate does prescription liquid Valium/Diazepam decrease in strength?


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Given the factors of being poured at the pharmacy from its original bottle, opening and closing my bottle daily to every few days, to dilution in a separate container (proper seal mechanism) that gets open and closed etc...At what rate does prescription liquid Valium lose its potency?


I’m also asking for this reason:


Because I’ve been using leftover 2 mg pills and a prescription for 120 ml of 1mg/ml prescription Valium, I have around a half bottle left of the liquid Diazepam I filled on 2/13/19 as well as an unopened 120 ml prescription I picked up on 4/07/19.


Should I start using my newer bottle if I can easily get a new one filled after the newer one.


Any info appreciated!




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There is no loss of potency or efficacy, or any kind of physical deterioration.  Those are exactly the conditions the mfgr expects it to see.


FWIW, I used the same 500ml bottle for 2 years.  And the last 2 months, it was even past the mfgr's suggested expiry date.

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That is exactly what I was hoping to find out...not only the technical data, but the experiential feedback which backs it up.


Thanks Builder!

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