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Does anyone knows if eggs makes withdrawal worse?


I eat lots of eggs...vegetarian and need the protein. I remember reading something about it but cant retrace it.

So...anyone has opinions on the matter?




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I certainly don't know for sure, but I don't see why they would.  I eat eggs about four or five times a week and they don't bother me. 


If you read that they bothered someone, it's probably because we're all different with certain foods.  I believe the main things to avoid are sugar, caffeine, processed foods, tobacco, and alcohol.

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I agree with what CAgirl said. Eggs should not be a problem. I would avoid sugar, booze, caffeine, and nicotine if possible like CAgirl mentioned during detox.
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Eat them at will, unless you have actual evidence you are allergic to them. They are healthy. I eat them like five days a week.
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There are so many reasons why you could react on eggs (like on any other food):

- they may contain meds they give the chicken

- they may contain fish powders they feed the chicken

- you can react allergically to the protein (in this case you should avoid anything that is made of chicken:-)

- your gut (as a former poster said) is not able to process the heavy protein at the moment


Listen to your body. There are other sources for protein even for vegetarians.

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