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50 days off C/T of 90mg Diazepam - Rescue Dose for 1 day


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In throes of worst panic attack of my life, have been 100%. Got flu, and boom, my anxiety went crazy. Have been trying all my coping mechanisms: yoga breathing, meditation, distraction techniques. Not helping. My pharmacist will give me one day supply (Can’t get hold of my Psych over Easter wkd) Do I take the one day rescue dose?
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You should not engrain in your mind that a reaue dose is a viable option. The only time a resue dose should be used is in a life threatening situation ie a very high bp spike. Doing a rescue dose serves nothing except implanting in your mind that it is ok to do so. It isnt. Fight it ad hard as you can. Good luck.
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Thank you everyone who responded, I am HUGELY grateful to all of you. I managed to get a friend who has stayed with me all day to look after me (family, husband, son and most friends aways and we had a freakish wild, wet storm and bitterly cold weather - think The Shining) She managed to get me into a hot Epsom salt and lavender oil bath, spoon fed me soup and held my hand pretty much the entire day, till I relaxed. I am now 51 days off of a 20 year dependence on benzos  :smitten: :smitten: :smitten: x ATGNT
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You handled this really, really well. No rescue doses. I agree. One rescue dose could lead to two and the next thing, you are back on benzos. Be proud that you resisted. This was a big step. Many people DO take the res cue dose(s) and boom, they disappear from BB.

Stick with us. We will help you get through it all.

By the way, your name made me laugh! If you could re-name yourself, what would it be? I had severe benzo brain when I chose my name, and is based on the fact I live on the east coast of Florida. NOT creative, huh? I have always envied people who pick lovely or cute names. I sure didn't. Maybe if I had taken the screen name of "CatladyFlowers" it would have been more descriptive of me!

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I agree. That is an enormous dose of a benzo. You are darn lucky to still be alive. Are you telling us the correct dose?

I am an RN.  I cannot imagine how a doctor could prescribe that huge of a dose to someone. This defies all the information medical people know. IMO, if some one DID prescribe that much to you, you have grounds for a lawsuit. Period.

But - how are you doing now???? Please let us know.

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Wow you CT 90mgbof Valium? I’m almost 17 months off 15mg ct and that was hell I can’t imagine 90!!!! Good for you for not doing the rescue dose! 👏🏻
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In throes of worst panic attack of my life, have been 100%. Got flu, and boom, my anxiety went crazy. Have been trying all my coping mechanisms: yoga breathing, meditation, distraction techniques. Not helping. My pharmacist will give me one day supply (Can’t get hold of my Psych over Easter wkd) Do I take the one day rescue dose?

Lots of WAVES mask themselves as flu's.  Many of my waves feel just like flu's but also come with an large dose of EXTREME disorientation and only last 12 to 16 hours.

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I agree. That is an enormous dose of a benzo. You are darn lucky to still be alive. Are you telling us the correct dose?

I am an RN.  I cannot imagine how a doctor could prescribe that huge of a dose to someone. This defies all the information medical people know. IMO, if some one DID prescribe that much to you, you have grounds for a lawsuit. Period.

But - how are you doing now???? Please let us know.



Many people have been on higher doses. 6mg of Xanax is equivalent to 120mg of Valium. However a cold turkey off that amount is insane.

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