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Can u stay on benzo for life? Is it possible?


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I am paradoxical on it. It builds uo in my system. Never felt sedated or calm. Raised heart rate.

I believe i dont have the liver parhway so im just saturated in it. I will not surive withdrawal from the arivan. Its still in my system.



Can one stay on benzo for life, microdosing it, even if one is paradoxical? Like just adding a little bit at a time to the body? Im not going to survive withdrawal  but need to stay alive. I made a fatal mistake in tapering. Inshoukd have ct bc paradoxical. I was manic and became obsesed with BB tapering


Now i dont have any good options. I am sure i will die. I have dreams of seizures and constsnt flashbacks. I am on 600 seroquel now in hospital all alone.


I need to stay on a microdose maybe to survive, even though my hreart rate is 140 after dosing ativan and seroquel.


I dont know what to do. Please help. I need to survive but indont have good options. The ativan is still in me 60 days later. I should have ct as had symptoms after 10 days so went back on. So stupid.


Please anyone i need advice. Inwont survive withsrawal. I am rapid metabolizer of val and k and non metabilizer of ativan and other metabilites.


It bulds up in my system. Towaefs the end of taper inwas super flexible and stunking burning sweat. Its the only way it leaves my system. Paradoxical was toldnitbwas withdrawal but it was thevarivan.


What can i do? Microdose klonazapam everyday for life? What can i do? Indont know what to do. I have no good options. Im desperate. I cant die. Please please please. What can i do?


I dont want to die. Help please. Im being held in psychiatric hospital and forced on 600 mg seroquel.

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Hello Anxious mama-


I am sorry you are having such a difficult time. Some of us are super sensitive to benzodiazapines and do not benefit from taking them, therefore we should not take this class of medication.


The Ativan is out of your system now. Even tho it does not feel like it, the symptoms you are feeling is probably your central nervous system healing. For some of us the withdrawal symptoms can last a long time. It took a long time for my symptoms to go away. That is just how it is for those of us who are sensitive. If I were in your shoes, I would not touch a benzo ever again. They obviously do not agree with you and caused you to have a paradoxical reaction.


I know you are desperate for relief and I and sorry you have had such a difficult time. If you could some how accept the symptoms as part of your central nervous system healing you may find that the symptoms will lessen as your anxiety lessens. When I got over stimulated the symptoms I had always ramped up. You are still sensitive and need to try to be patient.


Read this thread click here--->How the Brain Heals<---click here



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There are a few ppl who have been on these drugs for over 40 years and they say altho they are dependent aka addicted, the drug still works for anxiety and panic and they have never had to updose. I have met 2 ppl via the internet who have been on valium over 40 years and they say the drug still works good. It is just like some ppl who can stop taking these drugs without all the horrifying  bizarre SX's like most of us here experience. I think ppl like this tho are more the exceptions and not the rules. I personally think most ppl will start to experience tolerance at some point and experience great pain trying to detox from these drugs, but JMO.
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