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Anybody suffering with anxiety 3 plus years out ?


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I’m almost 3 years out benzo and 14 months off remeron and I’m not getting better. Still high anxiety severe head pain can’t sleep.


Anybody in the same both like me? How you deal with it? Any supplements recommendations please.



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I'm 3 years off clonazepam and now suffer from severe anxiety and depression. It's triggered by life stressors. I don't deal with stress that well anymore, actually i'm now almost completely inept to deal with stress ever since i stopped using clonazepam. That stuff changed me. Before benzo's i had anxiety yes, but i could deal with it.


What helped/helps me is the following.

Low dose baclofen 5~10 mg for sleep. I sleep much better on it and it helps to relax my tense muscles.

Propranolol 5~10 mg whenever i feel like i'm high on adrenalin or when a panic attack is coming up.

Chamomile and lemonbalm tea for sleep or as anxiolytic during the day, strong brews.



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Life stressors are a big culprit and you have little control over them. It is too bad those of us with anxiety disorders suffer with these overly sensitive CNS's. I try to eat as healthy as I can, meditate, and gentle exercise on a stationary bike 20 mins each day but sometimes, that does not seem like enough. This is also my biggest fear if I can ever get off the benzos.....that being chronic anxiety will still haunt me the remainder of my life.
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