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Tetanus shot


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Hi all,


i got a fishing hook stuck real deep in my finger yesterday. i was fishing a fairly dirty river stream. I would like to get a tetanus shot to be safe as I see that tetanus is no joke and the treatment involves benzos. I am off all psych drugs including benzos and scared that the shot will throw me back into acute withdrawal. I am currently in protracted withdrawal but my symptoms are more than tolerable. has anyone got any experience with the tetanus shot? I see some people seem to be ok with it? any info would be helpful. love you all.

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I've seen a few people get vaccines during benzo withdrawal and been fine.  If it were me, I would definitely get a tetanus shot.  None of the vaccine side effects are worse than tetanus, in my opinion.  I've had flu vaccines during benzo withdrawal with no ill effects.
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I've seen a few people get vaccines during benzo withdrawal and been fine.  If it were me, I would definitely get a tetanus shot.  None of the vaccine side effects are worse than tetanus, in my opinion.  I've had flu vaccines during benzo withdrawal with no ill effects.


thank you GReencup. I am just worried because online it says not to get the tetanus vaccine if you have seizure or other neurological problems... I regard benzo withdrawal as a neurological problem. So I am a little afraid. Im not worried about side effects. im worried about being thrown back into acute withdrawal. I have since discovered that tetanus bacteria actually release a toxin that acts on gaba which is why people experience muscle rigidity and spasm.... So if thats the case then I would assume the vaccine works on gaba too but i cant be sure....

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