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Please help me find basic instructions for DLMT....


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I am so confused.  I spent several days considering the crush and weigh method that I thought was a viable, advocated method here for a daily micro-taper.  I just read a ton of posts about a DLMT.  I need to understand the basic steps of a DLMT.  Surely there is a link with basic instructions somewhere?


I watched a video a couple weeks ago (I know I did) of Jim Hawks crushing and weighing pills and putting them into capsules.  Today I seem to be reading that he uses a DLMT...which is neither here nor there, I suppose...except that I was leaning in the crush and weigh direction as I had a bad experience with liquid years ago and failed miserably.


I understand Builder absolutely believes a DLMT is the best way to go, but I am not sure it is for me.  I do not want to be close-minded about the option though.  When I decided to liquid taper last time, I got a compounding pharmacy solution and took my whole dose to let my body adjust for two days and in those two days I became completely de-stabilized.  This time, if I choose to DLMT, I could take a whole 10 mg. pill and would only liquid taper the 2.86 mg. until it was gone or almost gone.  Maybe my body wouldn't freak out at the change if I didn't change the whole dose to liquid at once. 


is there a link to the basics of DLMT and/or to the Jim Hawks crush and weigh video that I know I saw here?  I am obviously weighing (no pun intended) all my options, to set myself up for success this time.  If anyone would point me in the right direction for basic instructions on these methods, I would really appreciate it.  I have spent hours trying to sort this out. 


Thank you!

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Bless you SnowFlake1,


I have read a TON of posts. Nothing I've found has been start to finish with details. The help posts at the top of the titration board do have taper videos, but when I click on them they say something like "no longer available."


It does seem like there would be a post that starts with supplies like the milk/vodka and maybe it's a mixing glass/cup, syringe (but no needle from that I can tell) and a daily draw or split in containers which should be glass but some are saying plastic is fine.


Then it is 1:2:8 ratio with pill mg, vodka/milk ml, and then water ml and reduce x per day or every 7 to 10 days or when stable.


I'm sure there are numerous ways to do it, but it sure would be nice to have help sheets with the various options and clear details as I suspect I am picking up bits and pieces from different members who do it in slightly different ways.


I posted so will get alerts on your post here and hopefully get one clear view in my head.


I do appreciate everyone who is helping out and thank you for asking about complete directions in some form.



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