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Should I start Keto if I'm already rail thin?


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I know I complain alot, forgive me. I hate this about myself these days. I have almost no friends anymore, and no one, absolutely no one in my world has a clue as to what is happening with me. No one to vent to.. even my boyfriend keeps telling me to go back on meds, as he has given up on this, and it seems about just about every woman in this valley is on something. ( high prescription state) Ugh.  :-\

I have been feeling that at almost 9 months after my last sliver of Klonopin, that I am back in acute withdrawal. I have been eating mostly clean food, getting moderate exercise, by forcing myself to walk 30 minutes a day, even through all the pins n needles, (worst symptom) and of course I am not drinking any alcohol, or caffeine and abstain from sugar.. haven't for months but I am feeling my worst yet!

Between about month 5 to 8, my sleep was gradually improving to about 5 hrs (accumulatively) pr night.

Now, for about the last 2 weeks, sleep has gotten progressively worse. Last night I dont think I even slept 2 full hrs. I am losing more and more weight. I thought perhaps I was getting to much gluten as I have been eating steel oats, n chia with berries many mornings, n have wheat toast n coconut oil with my eggs most days.

I started researching the Keto diet yesterday, drug myself shopping, n ate according to the guidelines,.. I had an even worse night last night, the worst since about month 2..and I don't know if it is because of this. I am so afraid if losing more weight, and I know people on Keto can lose quite a bit.

I just don't know what to eat anymore.  I don't want to risk losing anymore sleep either.

I feel like I am losing so much that I'm just beginning to just dissappear.

I feel bad about spouting so much negativity, as this is not whom I  feel I have been in my life. 

After all of this venting, (because am getting soo scared).. can anyone share some advice?

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Hi Madeline1,


I am in the same boat as you! I was eating Keto for so long and I have zero muscle tone and am way too thin. My shrunken muscles are making my skin saggy in places. uggg I feel like I'm 90. I spoke with my Dr. about this and he said EAT MORE CARBS! I don't do well with gluten, but I have added brown rice cakes, brown rice pasta, gluten free bread etc. To my amazement I actually have more energy and feel a little better. Unfortunately, it's only been a month or so and I have not seen any increase in my weight ...sigh  :-\


PS I also load up on the good fats, avocado, coconut, nut butters etc.

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Thank you faithx4,

I do get a little worked uo some days. It can be soo surreal!

I appreciate what you said n I think I'll some gluten free stuff to try.  :) 

It's a challenge to learn whole new ways of eating. Last night my bf and i went to a buddhist meditation last night for Spring Solstice.. We hadn't eaten for hours as I had been in a neighborhood town for a dr's appt, n he at work all day. He was apparently ravenous enough that he decides to get Little Caesars pizza on the way, which I of course cannot have, n has to put it on my lap so he can drive. 

I was never much into junk food before, n neither is he really, but that was.. hard!  I wanted just a bite or two.. ugh.. I abstained. I'm glad I did now,  because I think I had almost 4 hrs of deeper sleep last night n eating right perhaps assisted with that.

I am truly gaining a new appreciation and respect for myself in ways I never would have otherwise..  but I still wish this mess I'm in was not a thing. I am soo

missing my weekly scoop of ice cream, ( for eating what I thought was fairly healthy all week back then) an occasional glass of wine, and my coffee in the morning.  :-\

Thanks again for your response. :angel:  I'm not very good at posting or responding to others, yet, as I have limited time at the computer or phone, (I swear I can feel the frequencies) because it can hurt so much to be at them for very long n my brain is just so flighty.  :crazy:

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Madeline...just a few more tips I thought of that you might want to incorporate. I don't eat dairy (lactose) but I missed ice cream and yogurt and cheese. I found yogurt made from coconut milk (Chobani plain lightly sweet) is the best consistency and tastes wonderful. I put fresh blueberries in it and dried coconut flakes (shavings, the natural kind, not the ones used for baking) and then top it with slivered organic almonds. Nice treat with added fats!


They also have lots of coconut milk "ice creams" so you can add some calories in with those! As far as cheese I found the brand Kite Hill. They make a 'cream cheese" spread like you would serve with crackers. They have different flavors but I like the cream cheese and chives best. I put it on gluten free crackers, gluten free pretzels, veggies etc. I believe its made from almond milk. They also have a "ricotta cheese". I put a big dollop of that on my brown rice pasta.


Every thing I add not only makes food less boring, but adds extra calories  :thumbs:


I just started doing light push ups and leg lifts today. I don't want to burn fat  :o but I'm hoping to tone what little muscle I have  :-\

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  • 4 weeks later...

When I was forced to go CT I weighed 85 lbs and I am 5'3". A stick with large breasts. I had to really work to gain weight back and now am a more healthy 116 lbs.

Benzos can do that. Make you lose weight and become painfully thin. This is not healthy. I honestly do not understand why you are even considering the keto diet. You need to GAIN weight. Fad diets will never, ever help you. I am 69 and have seen hundreds of these silly things come and go. Their entire purpose is to make money for someone, NOT to help you. Benzo WD makes this difficult as your  brain is not thinking right yet. In time it will. During WD one should try too eat healthy, and NOT worry about weight issues. You are already too thin, if I read you correctly. What even made you consider going on another fad diet? Did I miss something here?

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Ketogenic dieting actually does help this situation alot and the weight loss issue can be solved by eating more calories. Never say never eastcoast62. It's true that it is a fad diet and that most people are not even doing it correctly as far as the quality of fats (balancing omega 3:6 ratio) go but keto can be done right. When done correctly it's actually the healthiest diet choice one can make. Consuming healthy fats will not trigger insulin or mTor pathways. It's metabolically inexpensive in other words. Eating animal protein triggers mTor which is involved in age related disease. You do need mTor but you don't want it in overdrive either. Carbs trigger insulin to go up. You need to be careful with how much meat you consume. This is a moderate protein diet. You shouldn't eat dairy either but I do it sometimes when I make cauliflower crust pizza. If you are rail thin you need to eat more calories. You can make keto work but it is too easy to fuck it up if you don't know what you are doing, so I'm not sure if you should do it honestly.
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Perhaps I didn't explain my thinking well enough. My point is that during benzo WD, it is NOT a good time to start any sort of diet. To gain or to lose weight. Withdrawal and how to handle symptoms constructively should be ones first concern. One has enough going on, and its more important to focus on healing from this. Diets can wait.

And I DO think the keto diet is a fad diet. Having been grossly overweight for many years, I tried all sorts of weird fad diets. I recall eating only asperagus and grapefruits for a few months. UGH! None of these helped me lose weight. The Mediterranean diet IS a very healthy diet, and certainly is not a fad diet. It's focus is on healthy fats, veggies, good oils, fish and not much red meat.

We will have to agree to disagree on this one.

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Disagree completely with not changing diet during wd, yes it can be difficult but it's temporary and often extremely worth it. Keto, however, is way too extreme.


Switching to a higher carb paleo type diet is completely saving my life. It wasn't easy, considering my severe sxs and exhaustion because it requires planning, shopping, cooking. But I keep it simple. Meat and veg, fruit, nuts, seeds. As I gain more energy I am able to make special dishes. There was an adjustment period, but only a couple of weeks, is that really so bad considering how much we can benefit? I have already done this change in the past and it works wonders for my mental health, every time. You need lots of starchy veg, you could add back white rice and potatoes after a month or so if you're losing weight still. If you do 100-150g carbs a day you shouldn't lose weight, but each body is different. There is no need to go keto. Many many people find relief just from cutting out dairy, gluten, sugar, and processed foods.


My mind is becoming clear again. My anxiety is more manageable, my depression is so much lighter. My sxs have become remarkably tolerable. If you are desperate there is no problem trying. It's your body you follow your intuition. But def NO to the keto, it's too extreme and you need more carbs, women in general do not do well long term paleo even because we need adequate carbs for hormonal balance and production. A moderate carb Paleo type diet WILL help stabilize blood sugar (decreasing mood instability and extremes) and help heal your gut, change your gut flora (major brain health and fog lifter) decrease inflammation and so much more, it can be stabilizing. Although I can't give medical advice I am a proper degreed nutritionist and I researched this for years and years, Paleo is not a fad diet, believe me I was against it before I did mega research but I was wrong. Don't even look at it as a diet, but a lifestyle change for wellbeing.


Having just done this for JUST 22 days I would say that my waves are MUCH less extreme now and I'm finding hope again. From suicidal and extreme mood swings and horrible sxs to that, it is totally 100% worth it for me. I was desperate and I knew from past experience this would help. I would suggest, if you decide to try this, that you stop tapering during the adjustment period (for me was about two weeks) until you feel ready. You can ease into the diet changes as well...you don't have to do it overnight.


Follow your intuition, we feel so powerless during wd and we lose touch with this. It can be incredibly empowering to take control of your health in any way possible during this process. It is a beautiful act of self care to nourish your body in a way that helps your health. I try to look at is this way now, vs 'I have to' do this 'because benzos or xyz.' I choose to care for my body in ways that support my recovery. Best of luck darling and sorry you are struggling so much. I could not have even strung together five sentences when I saw your post a month ago and now I'm writing again...chills

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Disagree completely with not changing diet during wd, yes it can be difficult but it's temporary and often extremely worth it. Keto, however, is way too extreme.


Switching to a higher carb paleo type diet is completely saving my life. It wasn't easy, considering my severe sxs and exhaustion because it requires planning, shopping, cooking. But I keep it simple. Meat and veg, fruit, nuts, seeds. As I gain more energy I am able to make special dishes. There was an adjustment period, but only a couple of weeks, is that really so bad considering how much we can benefit? I have already done this change in the past and it works wonders for my mental health, every time. You need lots of starchy veg, you could add back white rice and potatoes after a month or so if you're losing weight still. If you do 100-150g carbs a day you shouldn't lose weight, but each body is different. There is no need to go keto. Many many people find relief just from cutting out dairy, gluten, sugar, and processed foods.


My mind is becoming clear again. My anxiety is more manageable, my depression is so much lighter. My sxs have become remarkably tolerable. If you are desperate there is no problem trying. It's your body you follow your intuition. But def NO to the keto, it's too extreme and you need more carbs, women in general do not do well long term paleo even because we need adequate carbs for hormonal balance and production. A moderate carb Paleo type diet WILL help stabilize blood sugar (decreasing mood instability and extremes) and help heal your gut, change your gut flora (major brain health and fog lifter) decrease inflammation and so much more, it can be stabilizing. Although I can't give medical advice I am a proper degreed nutritionist and I researched this for years and years, Paleo is not a fad diet, believe me I was against it before I did mega research but I was wrong. Don't even look at it as a diet, but a lifestyle change for wellbeing.


Having just done this for JUST 22 days I would say that my waves are MUCH less extreme now and I'm finding hope again. From suicidal and extreme mood swings and horrible sxs to that, it is totally 100% worth it for me. I was desperate and I knew from past experience this would help. I would suggest, if you decide to try this, that you stop tapering during the adjustment period (for me was about two weeks) until you feel ready. You can ease into the diet changes as well...you don't have to do it overnight.


Follow your intuition, we feel so powerless during wd and we lose touch with this. It can be incredibly empowering to take control of your health in any way possible during this process. It is a beautiful act of self care to nourish your body in a way that helps your health. I try to look at is this way now, vs 'I have to' do this 'because benzos or xyz.' I choose to care for my body in ways that support my recovery. Best of luck darling and sorry you are struggling so much. I could not have even strung together five sentences when I saw your post a month ago and now I'm writing again...chills

Thank you Diana23...



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The problem with doing keto right that I deal with is needing extra carbs from physical activity. I eat raspberries or blackberries after long walks and it seems to replenish the glycogen stores. If you live a sedentary life style you will need much less carbs on keto. So, you still eat carbs on the ketogenic diet if anyone is confused but it needs to be timed right. If you combine carbs with fats, the carbs will trigger insulin, and then the fat will get stored in the body. I typically like to do my walking in a fasted state but I also walk after eating meals. Probably a good idea to wait an hour or two after eating to go walking because I notice if I walk too soon after eating I get indigestion. I eat whatever I want on keto, things like hummus.....and even sweet potatoes in small amounts. I eat more than 20g of net carbs a day right now though. I'm probably closer to 30-50g net carbs but it's to compensate physical activity because I'm burning them up in the sauna or walking. I basically eat a Mediterranean diet, I just stick to low carb veggies and fruits though. Most of stuff on a Mediterranean diet is low carb anyways. Don't understand why people think keto is too extreme or bad in anyway?
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i started a paleo/caveman diet over two years ago while withdrawal and i am in the best shape i've ever been.



i actually gained weight. i'm eating what i'm supposed to be eating. i gained muscle mass because i am working out. i've never felt better.


i'm not sure of the specifics of a keto diet but, on a paleo / caveman / low carb diet you can actually eat more, you just don't get crap junk food.


i looked like a junkie when i first went off meds now i look great!



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