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The least amount of vodka needed to dilute a pill


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Exactly that. What is the least amount of vodka it takes to add to water to dilute a pill? This is down the road for me but I want to be prepared. Thanks


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Don't panic about the amount of vodka - I did and it wasn't worth it - you will not feel the effect of the vodka at all when you make your solution. The vodka is used to evenly distribute the benzo into a solution so you can gradually reduce the dosage daily in an accurate way.
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2ml 80 proof vodka for each 1mg of benzo. 


The solubility is in mgs of benzo, NOT "per tablet".


Probably the easiest ratio is 1mg + 2ml vodka + 8ml water.  That gives you a very convenient .1mg per ml.


And that's a ratio. You can make multi-day batches by multiplying that ratio by higher mgs and mls.

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