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Can anyone who has taken this tell me how it was.


I have such severe muscle contractures all along back, hips, buttocks, neck, shoulders it is agonising. All contracts, twists, writhes - pulls some joints out.


I need to take something to help.


Can’t get Flexeril in U.K. GP would prescribe Tizanidine if Neuro will prescribe it first.


Magnesium helps a bit but worried about taking it too often.


Should I just take magnesium or should I try a Tizanidine?


When mentioned it to Neuro he said it could also cause dependence.

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Hi Ajusta, I have very similar issues to you. I have taken Tizanidine both before withdrawal and since. Maybe I never took it long enough to develop dependence (maybe 1-2 months at a time) but I had no issues with it. It is structurally similar to Clonidine which is a bp med used in the withdrawal world and has same mechanism of action. Clonidine will cause dependence on that when withdrawn abruptly can cause tachycardia and hypertension, Tizanidine probably the same. Nothing like Benzo withdrawal. I stopped because it wasn’t doing a whole lot for me,  or even sedating which is what it is known for lol. Neurologist has a currently trying oxcarbazepine, a seizure med. I had an emg that showed spontaneous muscle activity in every single muscle. On day 3, I’ll let you know if it works.
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ICAN - thanks for sharing info. 


Please keep us posted?


....sorry to hear this, buddies.... i'd trade this awful sx for others in a heartbeat.



AJUSTA -- if Mg helps, and no sxs -- lucky you -- so i think it's OK to take daily rec'd dose -- ask GP.


you can get serum level tested if concerned -- tho some say serum levels are not 'true' amount actually in cells.


wish i could take Mg -- but causes GI issues + kidney spasms, any form of it and even a tiny liquid dose.


my serum levels are at high end of range -- and i don't take any Mg supps, no supps at all.


yet i've got severe muscle issues too. very confusing.


must be benzos, esp. strong muscle relaxers V + K/C.


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Hey Chipmunk!  Thats very interesting that you have high magnesium serum levels.  Almost everybody else is deficient in it because farmers plant in depleted soil.    I've been taking the ionic form because the tablets give me stomach cramps.  I've never heard of kidney spasms, what is that like?
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Update on the oxcarbazepine, I’m going on 2 weeks in.


I have a lot of nerve pain, I think this is a combo of sensitive nerves being crushed by spasming muscle, which is likely a nasty cycle. I will say the nerve pain has improved a good amount, not

Gone by any means, but better.


The uncontrollable muscle clenching that causes my joints and vertebrae to grind have calmed down some. HOWEVER this symptom does fluctuate a lot so I’m not ready to chalk it up to treatment. What I’ve noticed is my triggers seem to be less likely to set it off. So I’m not sure if it’s helping the muscles directly, or making me less sensitive to triggers which indirectly helps. Triggers being loud or sudden noises, stress/anxiety, eating to fast or other blood sugar rapid changes.


If you’re interesed to see how it goes at follow up pm me in another 1-2 weeks, I have a habit of forgetting to come back to old threads once they’re buried.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Ajusta...with our similar issues Ima just throw out there what works best for me on the muscle spasms...Metaxalone (generic for Skelaxin)...don't know if it's available in the UK. Honestly it's the only one I have gained benefit from,plus never know I've taken anything aside from the relief....for myself like taking an aspirin/tylenol for a fever and in a little while you feel your body is cooler! The Tizanidine for me occassionally "loops" me like a Flexeril does...10mg of Flexeril will leave me dazed and feeling "off" for the better of a day if I took it at nite. :sick:


Hope this can help!  :);)


Warm well wishes! >i<

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