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Aged Overnight


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Well I will be darn if I have not ages 15 years overnight. I hate these darn benzos! I know it seems odd but when I looked in the mirror this morning it looks like I have aged 15 years. I know I am up in age, but I did not have all these wrinkles yesterday. My cheek bones have disappeared and my face and under my chin is hanging like a sack of marbles.


I have to laugh to keep from crying :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Have to find some way to build up collagen or find a good face lift. I guess I am being too vain, but I have always looked young for my age. Every day another surprise. Thanks Benzos!!!

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No worries!


Your pretty face will return.  It's amazing how the body recovers, really.  When I was out of withdrawal, I must have looked so much better because people would ask me what was my secret.  I told them the truth:  "well .... first, I had to fire my doctor!" ... lol





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I know exactly what you mean. The skin all over my body seems to have lost it's firmness. The collagen and elastin is OK but the skin just doesn't seem capable of holding well, almost like it's doughy. My gp said that it had lost it's turgor. The bags under my eyes are shocking.


It was the first major symptom I had before I got really unwell. If it makes you feel any better, I went to a dermatologist and he agreed it wasn't normal and that no, that's not how you age. He felt that it was hormonal although he was unsure. He did say thatit could right itself as suddenly as it had come. This I hold on to. I am border line obsessive with my skin care.

I have absolutely no doubt it will go back to normal. I've been off benzos through a ct over a month and a half and some days are better than others with my skin but I think I can detect a slight improvment in tone in some areas. I think I can definitely see some improvment in muscle tone in my legs too.

All will come good in the end

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No worries!


Your pretty face will return.  It's amazing how the body recovers, really.  When I was out of withdrawal, I must have looked so much better because people would ask me what was my secret.  I told them the truth:  "well .... first, I had to fire my doctor!" ... lol




I hope it reverses and I do not know why it waited until I am 13 months off to fall apart now.

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I know exactly what you mean. The skin all over my body seems to have lost it's firmness. The collagen and elastin is OK but the skin just doesn't seem capable of holding well, almost like it's doughy. My gp said that it had lost it's turgor. The bags under my eyes are shocking.


It was the first major symptom I had before I got really unwell. If it makes you feel any better, I went to a dermatologist and he agreed it wasn't normal and that no, that's not how you age. He felt that it was hormonal although he was unsure. He did say thatit could right itself as suddenly as it had come. This I hold on to. I am border line obsessive with my skin care.

I have absolutely no doubt it will go back to normal. I've been off benzos through a ct over a month and a half and some days are better than others with my skin but I think I can detect a slight improvment in tone in some areas. I think I can definitely see some improvment in muscle tone in my legs too.

All will come good in the end


Yeah I hope it gets better soon > Been off cold turkey 13 months and now everything wants to go soft and south on me. :laugh:

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I'm more than a little shocked at how much I've aged in such a short time.  Used to look 10 years younger than my age.  Now at least 10 years older.  Glad to hear that will 'heal' too.  For now, I'm avoiding mirrors as much as possible!!!
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I'm more than a little shocked at how much I've aged in such a short time.  Used to look 10 years younger than my age.  Now at least 10 years older.  Glad to hear that will 'heal' too.  For now, I'm avoiding mirrors as much as possible!!!


Welchie, not only will I be avoiding mirrors but I will be avoiding people too. People are so judgmental and will not hesitate to tell you that "you look awful".

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preacher - yeah, love that comment.  Anyway, I suppose it's good that wrinkles don't hurt cuz I'd be in a heap of trouble right now.  I think part of the sag of it all is the extreme weight loss I'm dealing with.  Maybe I'll chub out a little soon and everything will fill in.  Any of you dealing with weight loss?
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In 3 months I feel like I put on 10 years  :-\ I've lost close to 15lbs and I'm struggling to put it back on. The dr said that when my heart beats so fast all the time it's like I'm constantly doing cardio exercises...I want my weight back...
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That's good point Luv - I guess we are doing cardio all the time and under the gun.  Have you had any luck at all with the weight?  I got all excited because I put on two pounds recently.  Only 22 more to go!!!  (Sort of like that song...a hundred bottles of beer on the wall).  BTW, I'm still getting that weird hum in my body - like the cell phone left on vibrate.  How's things with you these days?
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I will put on 2 lbs and lose them again...I'm also suffering from GERD (another wonderful WD symptom). So...what I would normally eat to keep my weight on doesn't feel so great in my throat. I was doing really good so I thought. But I believe that stopping the buspar and the bp medication may have set me back some  :-[ How are you doing?
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I got really scared when I went down to 105lbs.  Everything hanging on me, even those extra small leotard type 'jeans' were falling down.  When I lay down it feels creepy, like bone on bone.  I was able to eat too, at that time, but I was just burning it all up from benzo cardio, I guess.  Lately, I'm like you...will put on three pounds, then lose it.  Put on two pounds, then lose it.  I think I'm holding at 108 now.  Since I jumped about ten days ago, it seems to slowly be coming back on and staying put.


I've been reduced to sweat pants (xtra small) with elastic waist bands.  Aaargh!  Those bad boys are gonna get burned in the fireplace the minute I don't need them anymore!!

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I too am 108lbs...and that's all I wear now are drawstring jogging pants...I went from wearing large shirts to x-small ones...and I totally understand the laying down thing...sometimes I hurt so bad after sleeping or sitting for too long. Everyone says that walking helps but I'm too afraid to even try because I cant afford to lose anymore weight. My dr told me today that putting on weight right now is more important than the GERD issues.
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Know what you mean about sitting...my bony butt starts hurting!!  I'm afraid of too much exercise too because of the weight.  I don't go to the gym and it's too cold here to go for walks.  But I don't know, I would think even a little walking could be good because it can be calming.  But for now, focusing on calming routines and activities seem to be helping.  I was in such a huge wave of panic for weeks and weeks, it seemed nothing could calm me.  That's when the weight loss was triggered bad.  You know how the benzo fear thoughts go...I had visions of myself down to 85lbs and being skin stretched over bones.  Yikes!!


But I think the recent jump is beginning to turn it around.  I heard GERD was from low stomach acid.  I know a lot of people are put on things like Nexium which reduces stomach acid.  What do you think?


Hey preachergirl - if you do find a good plastic surgeon, be sure to tell us!!!  Don't want to end up like Michael Jackson, though.

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It's cold where I am too...and gerd means too much stomach acid. I tried omeprazole and nexium and I had reactions to both...I've read that benzo wd can cause you to have reactions to other medications. I'm praying I'll wake up in the morning and all the symptoms of this wd are over.
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Benzos cause you to lose weight because they can block feelings of hunger. And you go off benzos, it is normal to lose even more weight. Anyone who is that anxious and upset is y.oo many calories plus WD makes food a bit NON appealing to many of us. When I went CT I was 85 lbs. I am 5'3" tall so was super thin. UGLY thin. I could circle my hand around my upper thigh. I had to buy jeans in the childrens department for crying out loud. I was horrified and mortified.


The first year after I went CT I started trying to gain weight. I did this by eating bags and bags of York Peppermint Candy. I think that appealed to me because the peppermint soothed a mouth already inflamed, itchy etc., from withdrawal. I ate so many of them I used to shop at different stores, like an alcoholic who buys their liquor at various stores so no one knows they drink too much! LOL!


Fast forward to now. 6.5 years later. I am fully healed and now weigh 114 lbs. Still 5'3", I think. Much healthier but I still want to gain more weight. My story is complicated because I was once morbidly obese. The day I had weight loss surgery I weighed 292 lbs. HUGE!


My weight as been an issue my entire adult life. Wish it weren't so but it is


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Too funny east...I'm picturing you going to different stores for your peppermint patty fix!!!  I hope my next stop isn't the children's department!  But I suppose it beats elastic waist bands.
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Yup! That was me back then. Trudging slowly with my walker, buying Peppermint Patties by the bagful. I must have looked like a total mess, but here I am today, alive and well.

The stuff these drugs makes us do IS funny in retrospect but when you are going through it, it is not at all funny.

Time marches on and we just have to deal with it all.

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Know what you mean about sitting...my bony butt starts hurting!!  I'm afraid of too much exercise too because of the weight.  I don't go to the gym and it's too cold here to go for walks.  But I don't know, I would think even a little walking could be good because it can be calming.  But for now, focusing on calming routines and activities seem to be helping.  I was in such a huge wave of panic for weeks and weeks, it seemed nothing could calm me.  That's when the weight loss was triggered bad.  You know how the benzo fear thoughts go...I had visions of myself down to 85lbs and being skin stretched over bones.  Yikes!!


But I think the recent jump is beginning to turn it around.  I heard GERD was from low stomach acid.  I know a lot of people are put on things like Nexium which reduces stomach acid.  What do you think?


Hey preachergirl - if you do find a good plastic surgeon, be sure to tell us!!!  Don't want to end up like Michael Jackson, though.


Think I will forget the plastic surgeon for now,and embrace my wrinkly sagging face and neck. Maybe I will wake up one day and my cheek bones will be back up where they were yesterday. :laugh: :laugh:

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Know what you mean about sitting...my bony butt starts hurting!!  I'm afraid of too much exercise too because of the weight.  I don't go to the gym and it's too cold here to go for walks.  But I don't know, I would think even a little walking could be good because it can be calming.  But for now, focusing on calming routines and activities seem to be helping.  I was in such a huge wave of panic for weeks and weeks, it seemed nothing could calm me.  That's when the weight loss was triggered bad.  You know how the benzo fear thoughts go...I had visions of myself down to 85lbs and being skin stretched over bones.  Yikes!!


But I think the recent jump is beginning to turn it around.  I heard GERD was from low stomach acid.  I know a lot of people are put on things like Nexium which reduces stomach acid.  What do you think?


Hey preachergirl - if you do find a good plastic surgeon, be sure to tell us!!!  Don't want to end up like Michael Jackson, though.


Think I will forget the plastic surgeon for now,and embrace my wrinkly sagging face and neck. Maybe I will wake up one day and my cheek bones will be back up where they were yesterday. :laugh: :laugh:


Don't count on it...this whole aging thing is not pretty and sometimes it doesn't have a damned thing to do with benzo withdrawal.

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I feel I aged overnight



I went grey as in grey hair...skin changed..more saggy with lots of lines around my eyes


arm muscles feel like wobbly jelly



I walk like an older woman (no disrespect but older than my age)



hair receded down centre parting so I'm forever disguising it



Can anyone relate?









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Don't know what your trip is has been scrabble - but I am absolutely sure that when I aged 20 years in one year if was from the benzos.


Shania -  I can totally relate...especially about the hair.  I lost it right down the part on top and it's impossible to hide except with a scarf.  And the texture of it is like cheap crunchy doll hair.  Skin and muscles are hanging everywhere.  The loss of weight is making me look gaunt and haunted.  I read on a thread somewhere that when we're in that anxious state, the body begins to go catabolic.


The good news is...now that I'm getting past the constant state of panic, hair is starting to fill in...but it's that wiry gray that is sticking up and curling in six different directions  :)  I'll take it.  It beats looking at a 3/4" part!!!!  I'm still way underweight, but skin color is improving - no longer a sick looking gray - and the dark circles are going away.  Many people say the hair grows back and of course the weight and muscle tone comes back too.  We're getting there!!!


I keep learning the lesson of loving myself no matter what...

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Yes, just as sure as it changed overnight, I believe it will change back too. My hair is already growing back like crazy and texture is almost back to normal with my curls too. Sagging skin will disappear also in time.
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preacher - you just made my day about your hair growing back like crazy.  Great attitude about it all changing back just as quick.  I was just about to take a (much needed  :) ) shower, dreading washing the hair so I will 'have at it' with more optimism.  Maybe I will even sing in the shower!!!  I always said I would have a great career as a singer...people would pay me lots of money to make me stop singing....pleeeasse stop!!
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LOL! I AM old. I turn 69 next month. Holy cow, how did that happen??


This is such a neat thread. Trust women to find some humor in the benzo mess. I went through the same things. Seeing myself looking so much older than my years after benzos. A lot of this was just distorted thinking which is normal in WD. Perceptions will be off. I couldn't figure out how my black hair had become light brown. Later on I realized that my hair was mixed with whites, making it look lighter. LOL!


And now I am growing out my dyed hair to go natural. I am hoping it will be a nice silver. Seems to be, anyway, especially in the front. I dread the "ugly" stage of going natural but I am determined to stick it out this time. I am already warning customers to expect their cleaning lady to look weird for a while!

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