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Alcohol in klonopin solution


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I know it's frowned upon to mix benzos with alcohol but I've been hearing that you can do a water liquid klonopin taper if you add alcohol to the mixture. If so, how is that done? What kind of alcohol is needed and how much? I was thinking of adding bachs pictures which have alcohol in them maybe?
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It's recommended that you not drink alcohol while taking benzos.


But you're not going to drink it, your going to use (a tiny amount) as a solvent to dissolve the benzo, so it can then be dilute with water ( or any other liquid.


If your current dose is .5mg, then that max amount of vodka you would ever need would be 1ml.  That's .033 0zs,  and only 40% of that is alcohol.  It would take 50 doses just to make a standard mixed drink.


You can use any basic beverage alcohol, but it needs to be at least 80 proof (40% alcohol)  Most folks use vodka.


The procedure is very simple,  about like stirring cream and sugar into your coffee.  The most common ratios are 1mg:2ml vodka:8ml water.


At .5mg, you could do 5mg + 10ml vodka + 40ml water.  That would give you a 10-12 day supply, .1mg per ml.  It would allow you to easily measure doses/cuts down to .01 (hundredths) of a milligram.



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