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Need hope


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With this severe 24/7 all day anxiety I’m loseing hope,it all went away before for me in the past and I was healed for 3 years and now it’s like went on since middle October my setback..it’s still bad.

Is this normal? For setbacks? My thoughts are so negative/intrusive.....like it feels like every minute I can cry really easy,that’s the brain healing correct?

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I hope it is normal because i have had a lot of it. I have cried at the drop of a hat, non stop anxiety, worry and hypochondria. I have had every possible physical WD symptom that you could imagine so it just fuels the stress.


I suppose it is normal and its just the body reacting to the lack of benzo/medicine that it is no longer receiving.  I try to tell myself that this is all a mind game and if I look at it that way I will make it thru it.


good luck.

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Even if it's your brain healing, I don't let myself keep going over bad thoughts. I have gotten much better at pushing them out...



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