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Reassurance from experienced microtapers.


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Hi folks,


I got my supplies and will be beginning my microtaper soon. Probably going to start slow at .02mg reductions per day.  I’m starting at 15mg Valium.


Can you give me some insight into what this process was like for you?


How were you able to manage symptoms through your taper process?


Did you have symptoms post jump?


How was your quality of life, work, relationships along the way?


I have my dream job, dream wife, and dream car right now (no house right now but just started saving). I can’t get rid of this feeling that I’m going to lose it all. I look at my wife and she’s so beautiful and I love her so much but it almost feels like I’m dying. I feel like I’ll be disconnected from my feelings for her or she’ll have to move on at some point. Or I won’t be able to enjoy spending time with her or make love to her. I already can’t function sexually and not sure why.

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I started with a C&H taper.  Each cut was caused significant sxs, and when I got down to 9, the sxs were intolerable.


I started a daily taper with liquid, had only very minor, manageable sxs occasionaly.


The few sxs I had were easiky controlled with basic meds, tylenol for headache, antinistamine for sleep issue, beta blocker for tremors.


I was symptom free when I jumped, and have never had any residual sxs.


I owned my own construction and real estate business, and was able to be completely functional throughout.

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I started with a C&H taper.  Each cut was caused significant sxs, and when I got down to 9, the sxs were intolerable.


I started a daily taper with liquid, had only very minor, manageable sxs occasionaly.


The few sxs I had were easiky controlled with basic meds, tylenol for headache, antinistamine for sleep issue, beta blocker for tremors.


I was symptom free when I jumped, and have never had any residual sxs.


I owned my own construction and real estate business, and was able to be completely functional throughout.


Yes! This is what I need to hear. How long were you using benzos before tapering?

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I started with a C&H taper.  Each cut was caused significant sxs, and when I got down to 9, the sxs were intolerable.


I started a daily taper with liquid, had only very minor, manageable sxs occasionaly.


The few sxs I had were easiky controlled with basic meds, tylenol for headache, antinistamine for sleep issue, beta blocker for tremors.


I was symptom free when I jumped, and have never had any residual sxs.


I owned my own construction and real estate business, and was able to be completely functional throughout.


Builder, why do you think some folks have such a hard time below 3mg? Can a slow DLMT avoid this for everyone?

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1) I  was on benzos for 3 years before I started to taper.


2) Doxylamine is a powerful OTC sleep aid.  If that doesn't help, ask your doc for a scrip for a low dose of mirtazipine (7.5mg or less)


3)  As you dose declines, the percentage cut increases.  You need to keep the percentage at a workable level.  I had learned I needed to stay below 6%/14 days, so I periodically adjusted my cut rate.

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I went fast 2 mg a week from 30mg to 10mg.  THEN I hit the wall HARD!  I'm still on my 2nd month hold on 10mg.  Thinking of starting the liquid again.  Last time I did, I went into extreme insomnia and I was only on the liquid for 7 days.  Only removed 4 milliliters.  So I figured my body or brain is not ready to taper further at this point.  I also read another woman who reduce her cut to 2.5% when she got to 5mg and then less when lower.  She did finally get off the Valium but very slow rate. 
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I made large cuts in the beginning of my taper and then as I got lower I switched to a microtaper and then I even cut smaller amounts and my main words of wisdom would be to go slow and do a symptom based taper. 


For me, when I got down to a certain dose, my emotions came back full force, and that was probably going to happen whether I went fast or slow, but everything is much more manageable when you go slow.  I was functional for pretty much all of my taper, though pretty emotional and angry for a bunch of it.  I got up, took a shower, got dressed and did all the things I am responsible for with being a stay at home Mom, though more towards the minimum I had to on some days.  My worst times were when I had debilitating migraines, but I had those while on benzos and they are getting less and less now that I am off the pills.


I think .02mg of valium is a good amount to cut cause it is so small.  You could probably do a daily taper with that amount, pausing here and there for holds. 


Things that helped me immensely:  acupuncture both for sleep and for muscle pain,  massage therapy, and staying connected with people.  I talked with my parents often and became even closer with them, during this experience because I really needed some help and leaned on them quite a bit.  I was never housebound once I decided to go off benzos, and even in my sickest times I always wanted to be part of my family and honestly I think that helped me heal too. 

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I started on a cut and hold and it’s brutal. Valium has a way of sneaking up on you. The cut feels fine but once the longggg half is gone I’d get slammed. I am switching to a DLMT today - it might take longer but the cut and hold is brutal like a snake in the grass.
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The liquid micro taper is a much smoother process in my opinon. I was able to dry taper early but as I got to lower doses my sfx were all over the place. Once I started my LMT I was able to stay pretty consistent with my taper and even speed it up at some points. As sfx surfaced I would hold for 3 or 4 days. As I got closer to jumping I had to reduce the % I was removing each day. The first month post taper I had some dizziness, anxiety and depression. Im now almost 3 months off and most of my side effects are gone or substantially reduced. If I had to put a percentage on it, Id same Im 85 to 90 percent healed. If I continue to improve like I have over the last month, Id venture to say Ill be completely healed in the next month or two. Good luck!


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I think much of the feelings you are having about losing your wife etc are all part of the benzo withdrawal. I had alot of crazy thoughts like that running through my head, but I now realize it was the benzos talking. Youll get back to your old self. I was able to work, pay my bills and stay involved with my family. It wasnt always easy, but it was doable. Things steadily improved for me after I began my micro taper. And  since I jumped 3 months ago, Im just about back to normal - my realtionship with my family is great and my love life with the wife is much improved. I believe you will have all the things you desire. Wife, relationships, job, car, house etc. Just stay the course and realize that most of what you are feeling are the benzos lieing to you. Stay strong and steady - time will heal and it may be quicker than you think. It was for me!

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    I tried THREE different Beta Blockers and they did not work at all.  I have nothing to soften the blow.


For what symptom/condition?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Great topic! Thanks all for sharing your experience.


I took 2.5mg valium for muscle spasm caused by back injury for 5 wks before a fast taper to 0.58mg in just 2 months by cutting 50% first then 30%, 20% holding for like 2 weeks at each reduction. It was very brutal but sxs usually settle rather quickly in intensity so i kind of survided although in bad shape.


Held for 50 days at 0.58mg as it got impossible to further cut even as small as 0.01mg.


I'm at 0.56mg v now, the last cut of 0.02mg brought up very excruciating physical sxs.


I'm also getting paradoxical reactions after dosing so I have to go down with dose.


I would appreciate if you can share your thoughts about how much to cut each day for a Microtaper at this low dose and my super sensitized system


Btw, before valium, my system was already very sensitized by a 5 yr taper off lexapro which I completed Sep. 2017. I was functional for basic stuff at home and work until the back injury in July 2018 and since then totally bed ridden from day 1 of valium (thought it was the back causing all the crazy sxs). Now looking back. It seems my body is not able to handle v at all.




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Hey Jared - listen to Builder. he has a great method and plan for doing a micro-taper and is also helping me. I am switching to Rx liquid Valium to also do a micro-taper and I am happy to let you know anything I learn along the way. You got this!
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The liquid micro taper is a much smoother process in my opinon. I was able to dry taper early but as I got to lower doses my sfx were all over the place. Once I started my LMT I was able to stay pretty consistent with my taper and even speed it up at some points. As sfx surfaced I would hold for 3 or 4 days. As I got closer to jumping I had to reduce the % I was removing each day. The first month post taper I had some dizziness, anxiety and depression. Im now almost 3 months off and most of my side effects are gone or substantially reduced. If I had to put a percentage on it, Id same Im 85 to 90 percent healed. If I continue to improve like I have over the last month, Id venture to say Ill be completely healed in the next month or two. Good luck!



Congratulations Fp - very encouraging and inspiring to read this!

Hope you are having a great Sunday and continue healing more and more!


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Hope, what are beta-blockers and do you need a prescription for them? Do you take them post-taper or during your taper? I am willing to try them I guess.
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Hope, what are beta-blockers and do you need a prescription for them? Do you take them post-taper or during your taper? I am willing to try them I guess.


Beta blockers relieve some of the physical sxs of WD...rapid pulse, tremors, high pressure.


Some folks seem to think they also relieve anxiety, but its actually the reduction in the physical sxs that leads to the lowered anxiety.


Yes, they are Rx only, but most docs are receptive to prescribing them as they are fairly benign.

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Thanks Builder - my doctor will prescribe them I am sure. Which one should I ask for and dose? Thanks again as always - you are truly my BB hero.
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I had 15mg propranolol, and took it PRN.  At one point in my taper, I had bothersome tremors and the propranolol help dramatically.


Performers take it for stage fright, target shooter take it to steady their hands, etc.

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Sorry guys, I missed your posts.


  Answering Builder and Sober.


    When I hit 10 mg, my BP spiked over 200 every day and night for three solid weeks.  Doctor tried everything and none of it worked!  Nothing worked.  Finally, after staying on HOLD at 10mg, it began to slowly settle.  When it began to settle, it was up and down continually, but then it began to settle after 6 weeks on hold.  I'm okay now, I take Magnesium every night and I believe that helps. 


  But there is NOTHING I can take to take the EDGE off.  I think I tapered off the Valium too fast.  I was going off the 2mg every week.  I even went off 4 mg in one week and then when I got to 10 mg, I HIT THE WALL and that's when my BP SKYROCKETED. 


    Years ago, I tried a beta blocker and it knocked me on my butt.  This time it made me more hyper......like it set my CNS on FIRE!

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Thanks Builder and Hope for your input. Builder, going to try that exact Beta Blocker.


Hope - I have really started to slow down my taper. I got to 3mg of V from 10mg last October and holding here until I switch to Rx liquid Valium to do a daily micro-taper which Builder has literally been so helpful with that I wish I could give him an award. Seriously.


Slower is better.


Hope your Sunday is good.

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Builder, if I could get you a Porsche i seriously would - the way you respond and help so many people on here is truly heroic. As I said before, I am using your taper and guidelines as my roadmap. You deserve a Porsche!
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