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Thread/Post for being up... if you’re up and want to post


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  • 2 weeks later...
I've always been a night owl, since my childhood as far back as I remember.  I've recently felt my circadian rhythm giving me trouble, so to speak, so I decided to try something new.  I usually stay up late, really late, I mean until to 2 or 3am, or even later sometimes.  I just do some things or watch some light TV and YouTube videos, just relaxing sort of.  I usually function optimally during the day when I'm on a 3am to 11am sleep cycle.  I work from home, so that's feasible for me, I have flexible hours.  But lately it hasn't felt right for me, I don't know if it's the winter and getting less daylight, or what.  I saw this piece recently on sleep research and it said that the optimal window for the most repairing/restorative sleep is between 10pm and 2am.  It also said that the best way to function in sync with your circadian rhythm is to ideally get up at sunrise (or close to it) and get as much daylight exposure as possible.  I've tried it for over a week now, and I must say it has improved my overall sense of well-being, I'm feeling less irritable, my DP/DR is significantly reduced (I hardly get it anymore, but got some this winter), and I also have more energy.  It wasn't easy for me to do at first because I'm a night owl, and I naturally gravitate towards staying up and getting up late.  I didn't make drastic changes, I just tried sleeping 12am to 7am or so (current sunrise now) and it works for now (I'm taking 2-hour advantage of the most restorative sleep window from 12am to 2am), and 7 hours overall night sleep is enough for me.  I've noticed that come 7am or so, I tend to wake up naturally and feel more restored.  Now I spend my stay up late hours from 9pm to 12am, usually watching some light TV or YouTube, reading, and just winding down, and then I go to sleep.  I've also noticed that I sleep better now after all day exposure to daylight.  Don't get me wrong, I still would love stay up later than 12am, but for the time being, this change is working for me, I hope it lasts.  I will still be contributing to this thread, I think it's an excellent one!  You all take care.  ;)
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  • 4 weeks later...
Hey guys— whew, I’m spoiled typically in the area of sleep these days... there’s actually problems with that that I can’t describe currently...tonight’s a duzy.
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is there not a mirc channel or a discord channel or anything that people can use and leave up for real time chat? Or is this frowned upon?
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Hey ocean34,


Hi again. I think bb used to have one and I don’t think they frown on it, just was challenfing to manage.


I just found you on here last night and haven’t watched the video you linked yet but it looked interesting.


You are as welcome as I am here on this thread, which I hope is welcome enough.


🌿mon pilote

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