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This depression is going to actually kill me I can’t stop crying I feel like my life is over. I’m having intrusive nightmares that I’m being raped and all this weird stuff. I can’t do this any longer. I feel like I’m going to vomit I feel like death. Please tell me this gets better.
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I just watched my son open all of his Christmas presents and felt NOTHING. Nothing but empty and anxiety. I just want this day to end already. I can’t take. I feel like a terrible parent. I can’t do this.
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Hey, I just wanted to reach out to you and say that I have felt the exact same way while my daughter opened presents this year. In fact, watching all the kids in the house open presents almost made the depression worse. I am just over nine months off Klonopin, which I quit cold turkey, and feel like there is no end in sight to all the symptoms associated with depression and intrusive thoughts.


The worst part of all this is over the past few weeks I have lower back pain which seems to be giving me more numb spots on my body. I have been trying to do workouts at my doctor's recommendation and it seems to be making my body more numb or that could be from the lower back pain that started before.


Keep fighting, Sunshine. If you ever need to PM me, feel free.

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Hello Sunshine,

I have read some of your previous posts and my heart goes out to you. Its terrible to feel this way about Christmas but I just want it to be over. I used to put up lights and look forward to the opportunity to be lifted up in my spirits but seeing others enjoying themselves this time of year when all I can think about is making it through another day is depressing. I spend a lot of time reading the mail on BB.... way more than I should... searching for the "magic solution" .... but none so far... but still helpful ideas.  I hope an pray that a "window" will come your way. Sometimes I find a distraction that helps me stop thinking about my situation... even for a few moments. ~ God Bless

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