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Secondary Anxiety ?


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I found a very interesting Doctor Q&A website that deals with Anxiety and he said that the burning of the skin sensation comes from Secondary Anxiety....
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Maybe you could post the question there and let us know.  So many people get that symptom, it would be interesting to know the cause but even more to find out if there's anything one can do about it.
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I will try and find that one again but look at this one.



Are you aware of any New York doctors who work as you do ? A/d withdrawal and Benzo w/d




No. Its the kind of thing that a doctor just falls into. There are absolutely no educational courses for doctors about how to stop psychiatric drugs. It seems odd, doesn't it, that there are thousands of educational courses on prescribing the drugs, but no education on how to stop taking the drugs.

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But I find his tapering schedule is a little brutal for me...and he is a Xanax expert and only prescribes for short term then he tapers his patients off.


can I post a link to his Q&A ? he wrote a book and does not do things Like Ashton.

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If he doesn't sell anything on his site and doesn't run a benzo forum, I think it would be okay to post the link.  If it isn't, all the moderators will do is "de activate" the link but leave enough info so people can still find the site.
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I did a search on our site and his name was mentioned just twice, I will just post his name and if people want to search him out that should be fair enough.


Dr. Stuart Shipko from Pasadena Ca.



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