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Swearing as a Valium w/d symptom


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Is a suddenly very foul mouth one of those weird w/d symptoms? I’m serious. I cut to 2.25 mg valium this morning and have been swearing almost nonstop since then. It’s not that I mind:) I do wonder if it’s a sign of increased left temporal lobe activity.



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Hi, not just you  - even at this stage in my w/d editing myself became more difficult and particularly with the public. our burrito shop always goes too fast when making them - we hate this, they screw up the orders. so last time in there i said to the two girls that I would tell them what to do , one at a time - said it rather stridently, lol.  I imagine with some self-awareness and herculean strength this too will pass  ;)


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I have not had anger at all but I'm at 10 mg of Valium.  Not as low dose as you guys are at.  My CNS is causing a healthy heart to have High BP, so I'm on HOLD for a month now on 10 mg of Valium.  I fear tapering more as I have still not stabilized.
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When tapering last time I had constant bouts of rage and anger. Was having arguments with people out loud even though person wasn’t there. Also one day felt sudden compulsion to stick a knife in the man I love - had to tell him to get out of the room and shit the door. Terrifying!
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