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Antibiotics and steroids


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Hi, has anyone had a set back through the above and come out the other side, l have been in a wave from hell for over 4months now since l took those meds for a chest infection, l would be so grateful if there is some one out there that can give me some hope, l have had windows but the waves are more dominant... Thankyou
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Any stress on you can cause a setback. Was it the antibiotics and steroids that set you back or the issues that required you to take them that caused it. Meaning..if you had an infection of some kind it could be the stress of your body dealing with the infection vs the antibiotics.


I had a horrible cold around Labor Day of this year and it pushed it into a horrible state.


I take hydrocortisone every morning and it actually helps anxiety tremendously by supporting my adrenals.

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Yes l had a window what lasted 10 Days 2weeks ago  l still had symptoms but they were mild but nothing since, sorry you are still feeling bad
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