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17 months FREE and still helping others


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Today I meet with someone who is where I was 17 months ago.  I hope to direct her to this site and the friends here who were a HUGE support to me. 

I knew back then that my journey was for a reason.  Partly so I could help someone else in my life who would experience the "hell" that benzos put  us through.  Today that day has come.  It saddens me to the core that there are soooo many who suffer unnecessarily.  There definitely needs to be more info out there about the dangers of benzos.

My update is I am 100% back to  the good ole me!  The last 2 months have been the end of my journey. Even those around me can see the difference.  I am living again.  NEVER GIVE UP.....it is one of the hardest things I ever did, but it was so very much worth every day of the process.  I read my blog and it seems like a life time ago that I was that person.  I don't  recognize her at all.  and certainly don't miss her either.


Keep on the road to healing.  Even though it seems you'll not succeed, you will if you stay on course!


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I'm so glad to hear you are at 100%, CAL!  ;D  It is amazing how much difference there can be post-benzo. You were a real help to many people here even when you didn't feel that good yourself and this news will help encourage people you don't even "know".  :thumbsup:  :mybuddy:
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Hey CAL,


You are well deserving of your complete healing.  Such an uplifting success story, and such a wonderful reward for staying the course.

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Hi cal


It is great to hear from you again and I am so happy that you feel great.  I, too, have met a couple of people who needed help and they graciously accepted my benzo wisdom.  They have been off their meds for a year now.  Thanks for coming back to share your success.


Patty  xo

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you go girl! 17 months off, we are almost on the same timeline, i'll be at 17 months in 13 days! We did it and we chatted our way to benzo freedom many times! I remember your constant neck pains and issues and you have made it to the promise land and live life on your terms now! Keep it up!!!  :smitten:

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I have been reminded that even people who have NEVER been on benzos still have health issues.  So I be careful not to blame every ache and pain on my benzo time. 

When I say I am 100% doesn't mean I am living in the land of bliss, no health problems.  I am getting older, I don't always eat right, sleep or exercise as I should.  My life has stress, etc.  BUT the  difference is amazing!  I am not ALWAYS crying, achy, sad, in pain, etc, etc. 

Life post-benzos still has it's issues cuz I still live here on planet earth  :D

Sometimes I am reminded that I have to take responsibility for my attitude and I can't blame everything on benzos or brain surgery (which started my benzo nightmare)

Many times I was told that this journey is alot about attitude.....well, this "life" journey is about that too.  Coming back here and looking around has brought that back to the forefront of my mind.



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