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Gastro problems last to go?? Is this still withdrawal??


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Hi all, looking for some input/reassurance


I was on.5 Xanax for about 5 weeks, then a 5 month taper...now about 11 weeks off...many things have improved but I'm still plagued with digestive issues/stomach pains etc but not really symptoms that would normally indicate a serious problem (nausea, vomiting, appetite loss, etc)

Also still having some strange body pains around an old surgical site, and getting chills in the morning.

MRI, blood work have been normal.


I am in the care of a GI and will eventually have some more tests done if this doesn't abate, but is it reasonable given how long I was on to think it could just all still be withdrawal?? The intrusive thoughts/fears that 'something else' is wrong with me have started up again...  : /

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i wish you well. Im not off the xanax yet so i cant comment about WD after being off. But i can say that I hope it gets better for you.




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Hi, I'm 39 days off Valium and I'm also left with stomach issues. Some days I can eat normal and other days I can't. Right now my stomach pains are horrible along with loose stool. I still get nauseated and some burning in my stomach also... the only sxs i'm experiencing at this point are the stomach issues, random headaches, tingly legs, ears popping, and light vibrations... hope this diminish soon also.
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