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When does WD symptoms start


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For most people, if they abruptly go off benzos (cold turkey), start feeling symptoms within 24 to 48 hours. Some people may have symptoms start later than that. Everyone is so different in this. Please know that MOST people who have been on low doses of benzos and stop them abruptly have NO withdrawal symptoms. Its only an unlucky few who suffer a lot of WD symptoms.



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Thank you for replying. I had 63 x2mg diazepam over 19 weeks. I stopped for 5 days but was freaking out about possibly vomiting as that’s my phobia. I got 7 more tablets from gp would I have started sickness within that 5 days? Can I do a mini taper with the tablets? I used to take 2-3 times a week 2-4mg
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Thats the equivalent of 10 10mg blue valium over a 4 month period. You shouldnt have any issue whatsoever so try to stop being parnoid and reading horror stories because they dont pertain to your miniscule usage. Good luck!
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LOL! I understand phobias. Vomiting CAN happen in withdrawal but it is only one of so many symptoms.


Getting off benzos can be challenging., but it also can be the best thing you ever did for yourself.


Focus. Distract yourself from scary, anxious thought. Because your benzo usage was so low, I doubt you will have much trouble getting off them. Fear and worry can make everything much worse!


Now is the time to focus only on you. YOU matter. And getting through this will only prove to you that you are stronger than you think. PM me if it might help you.


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Thank you I’m feeling such turmoil right now all because of my phobia. I’m just waiting every day for it to happen I’m a complete mess
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