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Question about tapering and GABA receptors


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Hi Everyone


I have started my taper and my doctor is tapering me fast. Does anyone know if GABA receptors begin to heal during the taper, or must the benzo be entirely eliminated before healing begins? I have been feeling terrible and my hope is that by not taking more benzo I am allowing the receptors to heal.


I went from 1.5 mg xanax daily for five years to 4 mg valium daily this week. That low of a dose barely keeps me able to do anything.

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They heal but the 'rate' is different for everyone, and for some of us it takes a lot longer, for instance I've been on benzos for 17 years, switched from Ativan to Valium and tried getting off too fast, too many times, so now I'm going to get the dose right and hold for a while.


When I'm stable, then I'll do a liquid titration using vodka because I can store it for 10 days at a time, don't need much in the way of equipment--I watched youtubes of some people using water or milk, a lot of work, can't store it, but no need for a lot of equipment whatever base is used: water, milk, or vodka.


Good luck!

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Hi, Tom and Welcome.


I read your previous post where you said that you had dropped from 1.5 mg of Xanax a day to 1 mg a day.  The 5 mg of Valium that your doctor switched you over to sounds to be too low according to the Ashton manual and online calculators.  Typically you would substitute 15-20 mg of valium for one mg of Xanax.  So it sounds like your doctor has you on too low of a dose of Valium. 


Accord to this online calculator : https://clincalc.com/Benzodiazepine/default.aspx one would substitute 15 mg of valium for each mg of Xanax.


According to the Ashton manual https://www.benzo.org.uk/bzequiv.htm it would be 20 mg.


The Ashton Manual was written by Dr. Heather Ashton, a retired Emeritus Professor of Clinical Psychopharmacology who ran a clinic based that helped lots of people get off Benzos.  Here is her background: https://www.benzo.org.uk/ashcv.htm


Here is a link to her entire manual: https://www.benzo.org.uk/manual/index.htm and a link to a tapering schedule for 4mg of Xanax (genetic name alprazolam) https://www.benzo.org.uk/manual/bzsched.htm#s7.  Of course you are on a lower dose so you would adapt that schedule.


I believe that she later concluded that a slower rate might be better for most people. In a paper that I believe she wrote in 2005 I believe that she later concluded that a slower rate might be better for most people. In a paper that I believe she wrote in 2005

https://www.benzo.org.uk/amisc/ashdiag.pdf it stated on p. 4 under the heading of "Therapeutic dose users":


"Benzodiazepine dosage should be tapered gradually since abrupt withdrawal, especially from high doses, can precipitate convulsions, acute psychotic states and other severe reactions (Table 3). The recommended rate of tapering for patients on therapeutic doses of benzodiazepine is withdrawal in steps of about one-eighth to one-tenth of the daily dose every 1–2 weeks."[/url]  it stated on p. 4 under the heading of "Therapeutic dose users":


"Benzodiazepine dosage should be tapered gradually since abrupt withdrawal, especially from high doses, can precipitate convulsions, acute psychotic states and other severe reactions (Table 3). The recommended rate of tapering for patients on therapeutic doses of benzodiazepine is withdrawal in steps of about one-eighth to one-tenth of the daily dose every 1–2 weeks."


This gives you a rough idea.  Most of us on this forum have adopted a variety of slower tapers than the one listed in her manual to make the process more tolerable.





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confused user


Thanks for the links all in one post; I'm going to copy off most relevant bits, print them and take them to my GP to put in my file; it might make him think twice before pulling me too hard, fast off diazepam.

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Thanks also to you for the great info in response to my post. It's good to know that receptors can heal. One of my biggest fears has been that mine won't. I suspect we have all had that worry at some point. I truly wish you the best in your recovery.

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Hey Tom


I came in to check on some folks I was on Xanax 20 years. What they said above is we all heal at s different rate. We all heal though. As younreduce the benzo. Your body begins the process of acclimating without it. You are healing. Good luck.



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Thanks Kristin


I'm so happy that you were able to get of benzos. What an accomplishment. Your experience  is very encouraging  and has given me hope.

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