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80 Days Benzo Free


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After four years of very occasional use of Xanax .5 mg ( 1 or 2 times a week—several weeks none at all) and 10 days of 500 mg Levaquin, I developed the whole gamut of symptoms--severe anxiety, lack of sleep, overnight sweats, muscle and tendon aches, sensitivity to sounds and lights to name a few.  I had no idea of what was happening to me, and after googling the symptoms, I first learned of benzo withdrawal.  From there BenzoBuddies was a few clicks on the computer away.


Through that site, I discovered the dangers of benzos and fluroquinolones, and the similar symptoms that both cause.  After an emergency visit to my doctor, who did not believe that fluroquinolones had a part in my problem,  my dosage was increased to ,5 mg three times a day.  I remained at this dosage for three months, still feeling terrible.  Throughout this time, I was an avid reader of BenzoBuddies and learned more than I ever wanted to know about the effects of continued use of benzos and of  the agony some buddies experienced at discontinuation.  What a horrible choice.


All I knew that I did not want to continue reliance on Benzos but was scared of the pain and suffering that might be involved with a taper.  Since there was no way out but through, the journey began. 


For some reason, my doctor was OK with my tapering using Xanax, but switching to Diazepam for the taper was a different story.  I finally found a doctor who was willing to transition me to Diazepam and in August, after three months of daily use of 1.5 mg of Xanax, I began the taper at 28 mg of Diazepam.  There were many hard days but for me being free from dependence on a benzo was powerful motivation.  Finally just over a year later, I had tapered down to 0.


When I finally slid off, there was a minimal increase in symptoms--increased anxiety for a week or so, neck and back pain for about three weeks, and elusive sleep (this has been a problem throughout the taper, but is slowly improving.)  There are still some short bouts of anxiety, but using the tools I learned throughout the taper, they are manageable.  I look forward to the night when I can get six or more hours of uninterrupted sleep without any supplements, BUT I am benzo free and undoubtedly in a much a better place than I was 18 months ago when this all started.


While this has been the most difficult thing I have ever done, it was doable. I want to thank those who provide and maintain the BenoBuddies site for the invaluable service it provides, the countless buddies who shared their experiences and thus made my experience easier, my special “BenzoAngel” Wilson whose guidance, support and prayers have made this benzo free story possible, my incredible husband who without complaint picked up the pieces that I couldn't over the past eighteen months, and my God whose love sustains me.


In this process, I have discovered that I can do very difficult things.  With perseverance and courage, I know that you can too. You are all in my prayers. I look forward to reading YOUR benzo free story.




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You are an amazingly brave and beautiful person, and my friend... I'M SO PROUD OF YOU!  :thumbsup:


Congratulations and continued good healing through God's Grace.


Wilson  :angel: :angel:

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