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Panicky wakeups - coping strategies


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Has anyone discovered any particular technique that helps with panicky wakeups in the morning? Been dealing with these for the longest time. Sometimes it's less, sometimes it's more, but wondering if anyone has thought of some kind of a routine/technique/skill to deal with this sort of thing.


Panicky morning anxiety is one of the things that got me on bzds in the first place. I'd like to reclaim this part of the day once and for all.

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I have 2 approaches to this when it happens to me. If it happens earlier than I wanted to get up, I think of it as a simple interruption, accept that it is happening, and then attempt to treat it one of two ways. I will either put on a guided sleep meditation (I keep my tablet next to my bed for this purpose - the one I use most is just an audio file but there are a million options on youtube), or I will use an approach I found in an article online where you address the physical manifestations of your anxiety one at a time. This means focusing on your body and identifying the ways the anxiety is alerting you to its presence, and then working against it. So, lets say you are feeling like your heart is beating fast. Then you do slow breathing, which forces your heart to slow down (vasovagal maneuver also works). Let's say you are feeling "frozen in fear". Then writhe around on the bed like a cat, stretching all your muscles and freeing yourself from that frozen feeling. If you are feeling "voiceless", talk to yourself or yell into a pillow. It sounds overly simple but it works.


If, however, I wake up close to the time I anticipated waking up, I just consider the anxiety a very efficient alarm clock, and choose to harness that energy and use it for good. I launch out of bed and get right in the shower, or clean up the house. Then a walk or a jog is ideal. Or, if you prefer, put on some music and dance. The idea is to use up the adrenaline your body produced for you.


Hope this helps! I know it's not a magic wand but it helps me.

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I'll have to try some of those ideas, wavesonthe shore! Mornings are the absolute worst for me. A really hot shower helps. Deep breathing. If I can't get back to sleep, I try to get up so I don't drive myself crazy. I've noticed that  if I eat earlier and healthier, sleep's a bit easier too and then I'm a little less likely to wake up with my heart pounding. Definitely would love to have this part behind me though... ::)
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