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Can I add flavoring to my kpin solution?


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I was doing pretty well on my liquid taper but recently I've noticed a drastic change in my taste buds. A lot of things I used to enjoy (or at least not mind) taste terrible now. One of the things that has been affected is my liquid taper and now I can hardly keep the solution down without gagging or nearly throwing up.

I don't want to return to dry cutting so I'm wondering if I could add maybe some stevia or even crystal light powder or something to help me keep it down.

The solution is 98ml water and 2ml vodka for 1mg klonopin.

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Once you measured out the appropriate amount of liquid (to equal the desired mgs), you can do anything you want to with it.


Flavor it, dilute it, add it to fruit juice, mix it with a soft drink...etc.

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Thank you so much, builder!!

I've put my solution into tea and Gatorade so far and everything is going well.

My mornings are so much better thanks to that!

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