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Is time for a cold turkey?


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Hi BB.

I am reducing daily with 5 % every 2 weeks,i can't survive this is a hell physical and psychological .... maybe if I make the "cold turkey" could be the same?.


Please help.

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Hi savior999 :smitten:


Is 0.81 mg your current Clonazepam dose? For information, the jump dose from Ashton's table of equivalencies is 0.025 mg/day.


The question is whether by stopping "cold turkey" you will no longer have the "hell physical and psychological" torture? I'm not sure. Worse I have read too many cases where symptoms persist months/years after the last benzo dose and many of these buddies have previously had CT and stops/starts/re-stops/re-starts. Those long lasting symptoms will likely create same distress or worse, physical and psychological, as of today.


So please don't CT. Just hold and wait for the storm to pass. Your CNS needs time to catch up with the drastic cut of 50% when you went from 1 mg to 0.5 mg all of a sudden. You are actually paying toll for that decision. The fact that you did not feel immediately symptoms following the cut is because of the quantity of drug lingering in your body and not yet eliminated. For some people it can be felt right away after few hours/days but usually it could take about 7-10 days for the cut to be felt. It varies in function of the individual and the dose being used.


Hang in!


Hope you feel better soon.

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It's never time for a cold turkey.


If you can't handle 5% cuts, what makes you think you could handle a 100% one?

If you think you're merely prolonging the agony, why not try 10% cuts instead?

Better yet, have you considered switching to diazepam as recommended by Ashton?

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