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What are the differences between Xanax vs. Ativan


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Hi All,


Can someone break down the differences between Xanax and Ativan, say .25mg or each medicine? Also is Ativan ever used to taper off of



Thanks in Advance



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1) Xanax is more potent.  1mg xanax=2mg Ativan.


2)  All benzos share 5 common properties ( anxiolytic, sedative, hypnotic/a,mesiac, skeletal muscle relaxant,  and anticonvulsant) but differ in their relative effectiveness for specific properties.  Xanax is most frequently prescribed as an anxiolytic, while Ativan is more likely to be prescribed as a hypnotic/amnesiac or muscle relaxant.


3)  They are both short-acting, short half-life benzos.  I don't think switching to Ativan would be very helpful.  If you want to do a substitution, Valium or Klonopin would probably be easier.

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Ativan has a longer half life than Xanax, but is also known to be one of the more addictive benzos on the market.  I agree with other contributors--switching to Klonopin or Valium would probably be best.
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Tozz&& If I can ask why did you come off Valium?


Hi Matt,


Valium did not agree with me, made me feel like I was drunk just a nasty dirty feeling, just that simple.


BTW, Just a quick follow up to taking Ativan; DONT DO IT !! HIGHLY ADDICTIVE !! 7 days on, 3 days of pure HELL to get off, want more info

just ask me, I'm much better after about 80 hours of non-stop torcher.


Kind Regards



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