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Please Help, Reinstate 7 week’s CT


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I am struggling.  I am 7 weeks CT and I spend all day in bed.  I can sleep about 6 hours and go for a short walk during the day.  I have waves of anxiety, restlessness during the day, sensitivity to sound (light and heat), and the worst are the brain zaps.  The more I do the more intense the brain zaps are the next day.  If I leave the house and do things the next two days are hell.  All I want to do is lay in bend and TV is too stimulating most of the day.  I am losing my apartment, my job, maybe my truck.


I had taken a low (.25-.5MG) 2-3 week dose of Xanax when I was struggling and stressing during the recovery from a surgery.  Before that I had taken a low dose of Valium (really only 9 5MG pills broken in half, so 18 doses).  The Valium made me feel awful mentally and physically.  Had no adverse reaction to Xanax, but was getting interdose WD if at 24hrs.


The first 2 weeks off was insane.  I feel like the last week or so I am worse in some ways.


I really can't function (besides a shower, making small meals, and a load of laundry every other day).


Should re-instate and taper?

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CT is pretty stressful on the body and I wouldn't advise it if you are employed and have things you need to attend to. I myself  cut my dose of klonipin in half because I thought .5 was too small to make a difference, and my withdrawal sxs were so bad that I updosed back to my original and have waited to stabilize. 7 weeks out May be a bit far to reinstate since your brain is already trying to heal, so I would advise that you try to aid the healing rather  than going back. Little steps. Make sure you eat enough, drink enough water. Only do as much as you can handle. Vitamins and supplements maybe? Your body will heal better if it is in  better shape, so try and give it what it needs.


You could also try reinstating at a smaller dose than your original and then taper slowly.



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