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Head sensations


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Anybody else have nothing but weird head sensations? . No other symptoms except never feeling normally human and never feeling sleepy, swollen face, and insomnia but what is up with all these uncomfortable head pains? A few days ask, it was like stinging nerve pain. Now it's like a weird pressure behind my eyes and on my forehead. I feel horrible when I get up from sleeping.  Is this normal?
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Yes, head congestion and pain are normal symptoms for many of us.  For me this always went with cog fog.  Everyone's head symptoms are a little bit different, but they are temporary.



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When CT’ed off, my whole brain was pulsating. It stayed that way for 2 months.


3rd month to 5th month off, my brain had an itch whenever I was stressed. And on the 5th month the itch felt like a tear in the brain.


Still suffering from tension headaches everyday and ocassional pulsating feelings.

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Right now that seems to be my worst sxs as I also have pains in the base of my skull radiating up the back of my head causing headaches, with burning pains in the top front of my head coupled with this off balance feeling that hits hard and then goes away and comes back and seems to last around 6 hours or so a day.

This didn't hit me until I reached 1.7 mg V so I'm sure it's withdrawals but I'm almost at the point to where I think I need a MRI of my neck cause it seems tight all the time and one area in my neck is sore all the time.

I believe these are all withdrawals , someone tell me they are.

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