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Is this normal at two months off?


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I’m able to fall asleep unassisted around 11pm but keep waking up for good around 3:30-4am. It certainly beats the 0-2 hour nights the first few weeks but wanted to know if this is par for the course. Does it eventually get better? I used to wake up around 6:30-7am prior to this. Thanks.
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I took a lot of benzo around an 7-8 month period. I'm around 50 days off or so and I'm doing that too. I'm not even sure if I go back to sleep or not after 3:30. It's completely normal and will get better.
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This was my case as well. Now almost 11 months off my sleep is much better. Typically going to bed at 10.00 pm and wake up around 5.00 am maybe waking up once in the middle. I'm not worried about insomnia anymore.
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Yes. Completely normal. My only suggestion is to avoid looking at the clock and just focus on resting. When I started doing that, and accepted that I was going to have wake ups, I was able to start falling back asleep. Still have downright awful nights, but I have improvement overall.
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Good to know. I can get 5-6 hours (sometimes 7) with half a Unisom but I’m really trying hard to get my natural sleep back.


When I avoid the Unisom and wake up around 4am I try using some sleep meditation on my phone and that seems to help put me out for another 60 minutes or so.


I battled short term insomnia 10 years ago and a strenuous workout at the gym would ensure an uninterrupted, restorative night of sleep. Unfortunately I can’t do that this time around, at least not yet, as my weightlifting routine gave me my first ever panic attack. That was also the week I jumped so it wasn’t the smartest move at the time.  I’m feeling a bit better now outside of the insomnia though, so maybe I’ll try a lighter workout soon and see if it helps.

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