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Does anybody know what causes internal tremors?  Sometimes I have them, sometimes I don’t.  Usually feels like the bed is vibrating. 
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It comes and goes I have them too they are gradually decreased right now they almost resolved used to get them a lot
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Do not know what cause them but I get them and worse in the evening and at night. Wish I did know what cause them.
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Bodily sensations. All sorts of strange tinglings, pins and needles, patches of numbness, feelings of electric shocks, sensations of hot and cold, itching, and deep burning pain are not uncommon during benzodiazepine withdrawal. It is difficult to give an exact explanation for these sensations but, like motor nerves, the sensory nerves, along with their connections in the spinal cord and brain, become hyperexcitable during withdrawal. It is possible that sensory receptors in skin and muscle, and in the tissue sheaths around bones, may fire off impulses chaotically in response to stimuli that do not normally affect them.


Thus these sensory symptoms, though disconcerting, are usually nothing to worry about. Very occasionally, they may persist (see section on protracted symptoms). Meanwhile, the same measures suggested under muscle symptoms (above) can do much to alleviate them, and they usually disappear after withdrawal.

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I had these for almost two years, but they stopped a couple of months ago, poof, gone.


If two years seem scarily too long, don’t worry, I’ve been sort of a protracted mess in some ways, having been polydrugged for nearly six years.


It goes away a lot sooner for some folks.  :thumbsup:

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  • 2 weeks later...
Im 4 months off of valium.. Horrible tremors this week. Just asked my therapist if eating can make them worse as today that was the case!!!!
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I tried to walk on the treadmill for 5 minutes yesterday, and this made my tremors worse so I will not be trying that again until at least month 7.
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I have a constant electrical current going through with my tinnitus matching the sensation, It is highly debilitating and hard to accept. I saw my Psych yesterday and he and my wife tried to say it may be psychosomatic. It has caused me to have severe insomnia averaging 3 hours of sleep at this point as I awake in a panic with the shocks and ringing making sure I cant go back to sleep. Every day I hope for a period of relief which seems to be brief if any. Time is the answer and is also just hard to accept when this is going on. It is strange because I think I didn't have this as extreme as it is now a couple of months ago. Then again I shattered my leg and had a major setback.
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What do you mean, "shattered your leg?" Did you have a fracture?? I can relate to that. Using benzos made me fall a lot in the last 8 years I used them. In one fall I badly fractured my femur, the biggest bone in your body. Plus broke a metal knee replacement at the same time. The doctors told me I would lose the leg, 3 of them. So I asked for this ortho surgeon to consult as I knew he had army field experience. He, too said he might not be able to save the leg - but he did! No one expected me to walk again, and I used a walker for about 3 years. I slowly graduated to a cane. And finally, about 4 years ago I ditched the cane. My right leg will never be normal. It does not bend normally and have to take stairs one at a time and slowly. But I DO walk, and AM able to work again! I consider this a miracle.


The first year after I went CT I hardly slept at all. All I got was "micro sleeps" - a moment when your brain blanks out. This is a self protective device of our brains, so that even under TORTURE, we do not die from lack of sleep. Prisoners of war often report having micro sleeps. And so did I. Normal sleep was out of the question back then. I felt simply awful for such a long time. The contstant, unrelenting fear and terror that gripped for for about 2 years was SO disturbing.. Plus I had DP and DR and a host of other symptoms. I was dealing with a lot!!!


But I did get through it, and so can you. That is the BEST thing. The human brain is always trying to heal itself. Your brain is no different from mine. We ALL heal, given enough time, patience and the strength to get through this. Once you DO get through this, you will start to understand what a strong person you truly are. Going through benzo withdrawal is, for a few people, the worst thing, the hardest thing, they have ever  done....and lived to tell about it.


Try to help other people. It will help you, too!

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Yup, get these. When my anxiety levels go up...so do these. Last night was awful...hands were shaking but couldn't see it!
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Thanks for your reply, it always helps to hear positive things when it seems like everything negative is being thrown at me. When I say shattered I mean a complex fracture of my tibia at the knee requiring 6 screws and 2 plates.  I am walking again with a limp and my Dr says I will recover in 12 months time. You are a strong person to overcome a TNR along with a broken femur and a problem with the replacement.


You and all the survivors are an inspiration to me, I trying telling myself my brain is healing but being in the thick of it just sucks. I was never told of a taper in detox or by any Drs until it was too far into the process to go back. My SXS are raging today and the horrible thoughts are so disturbing.I've contemplated everything I ever have done and all my mistakes over and over. But the doom and surge of panic attacks are just horrible. And the tremors or pins n needles are relentless.


Microsleeps best describes my sleep right now. Start to dream and I am thrown out of it. Yes, this has been the battle for my life and without the hardest thing I ever experienced. 


All I can to do is keep going and do not look back. Thank you again for your Kindness


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