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Raw nerves


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I can’t even begin to explain my symptoms. The one I want to focus on today is what feels like raw nerves. I can handle no stress and I mean absolutely no stress. My head feels like it’s not even

Mine, feels funny I can’t describe it. Today my dog got out of the yard and while I go to look for her it’s like I can’t handle the stress.being outside neighbors talking to me I feel funny.  My kids talk loud or scream and it sends me through the roof and I immeiately have to go lay down. Anyone else have this and recover? I’m 10 weeks post jump from a quick taper.

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Yes,  everything thing feels raw and overwhelming.  My brain is in overload, can’t calm down.  All of my symptoms seem to come from my brain. 
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I can’t even begin to explain my symptoms. The one I want to focus on today is what feels like raw nerves. I can handle no stress and I mean absolutely no stress. My head feels like it’s not even

Mine, feels funny I can’t describe it. Today my dog got out of the yard and while I go to look for her it’s like I can’t handle the stress.being outside neighbors talking to me I feel funny.  My kids talk loud or scream and it sends me through the roof and I immeiately have to go lay down. Anyone else have this and recover? I’m 10 weeks post jump from a quick taper.


I'm sorry, you're suffering.  Boy, do I know this feeling of raw nerves, your CNS is on the rebound right now.  Don't go outside, if possible delegate, delegate, and again delegate!  Until you feel better.  Have your kids chase after the dog (if they're old enough).  You need not talk to the neighbors until you feel better, simple waving hi from afar will do in the meantime.  Be "selfish" and take care of yourself for now so you can recover.  You deserve it.  I feel for you, just know that it will get better.

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I had the raw nerve feeling really bad a while back. My CNS was fried. I felt horrible and it was unrelenting. The good news is it healed and I have not had the raw nerve feeling again. My stress tolerance is still very low though.
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I feel like having stinging "tooth sensitivity" in my whole CNS, You know that feeling you get when you hear fingernails scratch across a

blackboard? nerves feel almost like that. Can someone relate?

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