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Please help ! Tolerance withdrawal.


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Hello people,


I’m at a point in my taper that I don’t know what to think anymore, but I’m

still hanging in there. I really need some reassurance from any of you people that know about

tolerance withdrawal, or have experienced this.


I’m under .25 mg of Ativan right now , and I have been tapering off this POISON since April of last year from 1.5 mg by reducing using liquid Titratition. I have been on this drug since 2005 at 5-6 mg,


I have read Ashton manual about  the Gaba receptors get down-regulated while reducing the drug.


Do I have to keep on tapering  , or holding if I’m feeling like the drug is not working , or that this is all

in my mind , and perhaps that I’m overreacting at this point since I’m at a low dose! My symptoms at this point are tolerable, I only have severe brain fog , and my thinking is not so clear.


I have lost 13 years by being on this POISON !! I just need off!!

I’m ready to cry:( 


Thank you so much for reading:)


Any reassurance would be highly appreciated!


I need to stay strong !









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Hi Rayban3025


From your history I can see that the cuts have been small. It is true that in most cases you cut again after only one week, in no cases it seems too fast to me.


Do I have to keep on tapering  , or holding if I’m feeling like the drug is not working

Because you are really at the end, in my opinion you should go on tapering, slowly. Until the end and jump when you arrive at 0.05 mg/day. Do not expect big improvements after the last dose. Try not to up-dose. If harsh symptoms, hold.


If you have only foggy mind then you are amongst the lucky people and there are a lot to be thankful for. If you read posts in here you will realize that there are people who are suffering unimaginable symptoms, they could barely survive, they could not sleep, they are bedridden, they have pressure in the head, pains in the muscles, they cry, they wish to die in a hole....Your foggy mind/cognition/memory capability will slowly restore themselves when your body no longer has to deal with benzo.


Hang in! The prize ahead is high.



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You said your symptoms are bearable. That's good. You have been on the drug a long time, even more reason not to jump off too high. It can take a really long time to free ourselves safely. I know you want off, but its not a race. Jumping doesn't guarantee anything other than you are off. I myself am tapering down as far as I can. I'm at .026 xanax now. I will go to probably half that before jumping.


Before you know it you will be off and things will be over. When we get lower things can start catching up with us.

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