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It feels like I had a huge wooden spike with splinters lodged right into my aura, spine, muscles and joints and they all got taken out. Imagine that relief??? So it's been 4 months already for me and I'm considering myself 98% healed. Yeah sure, maybe I'll have setbacks but right now I am enjoying this fantastic feeling of relief. Can't wait for the day I can say I'm at 110%. I know this will change my life so much. I can't wait for my victory. We're here to win, guys!! Keep going. Love, Light, and healing to all.
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It feels like I had a huge wooden spike with splinters lodged right into my aura, spine, muscles and joints and they all got taken out. Imagine that relief??? So it's been 4 months already for me and I'm considering myself 98% healed. Yeah sure, maybe I'll have setbacks but right now I am enjoying this fantastic feeling of relief. Can't wait for the day I can say I'm at 110%. I know this will change my life so much. I can't wait for my victory. We're here to win, guys!! Keep going. Love, Light, and healing to all.


BTW I was never a religious person (but still extremely spiritual) but one of my dear friends is Bhuddist. They introduced me to chanting in front of a gohonzon. The Gohonzon is a sacred scroll that you keep in a cabinet.  Every morning and night I open that cabinet, which is like opening the portal to my highest potential, and I chant the words "Nam myoho renge kyo" for 5 minutes or more to align myself to my highest self, my highest health and awaken the buddha within. I was told that this would guarentee anyone their victory, and I've seen so many success stories. Then I thought, "eh, couldn't hurt". I've been chanting every day and I feel like I have chanted my way back to health. I completely recommend this to anyone that is open to this. I promise, it won't fail you. If it does, you can always stop practicing  ;). Anyways I had to tell you guys my secret weapon to healing faster in all aspects of my life. My friend chanted their way to a $200,000 a year salary in less than several months. There's nothing this simple practice can't do.

Just my two cents, however I would prefer if you please do not preach controversial religious groups on here.

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Return2Light, it’s so great that you’re dong so well after only four months off – I’m so happy for you!


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Thanks guys! Healing does occur. I was so excited to share the good news. And benzofree, you’re right i realized this isnt the ideal place to share religious/philosophical views, sp I’ve modified my message  :thumbsup:
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