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Time is the only cure.


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I have found that I have exhausted all possibilities for help from benzo withdrawl. I have tried physcology, physciatry, holistic, addiction specialists, general practitioners, ER, and crisis hotlines. No one has a clue. The only help is the good lord, time, and online support. The only thing offered is more benzos. This has to get easier, please tell me it does. Anybody get better quickly? When do I know if I'm protracted?, I'm not sure how people tell the difference.
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Don’t worry about being protracted or not most people who is experiencing tolerance withrawal or cold turkey or kindle a couple of times it takes a long time for their body to heal you don’t need to worry about that right now give yourself time and focus on recovery hope you feel better soon

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You're a month in, please do your best to be patient. Things will get better, albeit not at the pace you would like. Hang in there - I did a horrible CT in November and I'm back to new at this point.
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Yes, it does get easier. You might not heal quickly, but your symptoms might become more manageable. Virtually all people I have read or talked to, who are in benzo withdrawal, think that the first three months were the worst. Although we might not be all fine now, we are certainly happy that we are no longer in these first months.


So, hold on. After a while, you might learn to cope with your symptoms and they might become, perhaps not better, but at least easier to live with.


Don't worry about these categories. And don't try to make conclusions from the journey of other people. This benzo withdrawal is unpredictable. Each journey is different. We are all the same in the fact that we all heal... but apart from that, everyone's healing journey is different.


Hold on, friend.


There are people who live with incurable diseases. They don't know if they will be healed. We, by contrast, KNOW THAT WE WILL BE HEALED, and don't need to do anything except to HOLD ON and WAIT.

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