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Stomach clenching


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Does anyone have constant clenching of the stomach,? Like constant burning and bloating muscle clenching? What is this?
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I do when my anxiety flares up. People "hold" their anxiety in different places. Mine tends to be my stomach.
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totally, its actually becoming a real problem in the toilet department. I seem to tense my whole intestinal tract, ( that what it feels like) I have to try really hard to relax, to let my bowels actually work, otherwise nothing happens. I fear its a habit that im not gonna be able to lose. im constantly reminding myself to relax. havent had a normal bowel movement in weeks cos of it! probably tmi but yeah, anxiety shows up in many forms like fakeit said.
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I used to get it, but I don't know what caused it.  The only thing that helped that was CBD oil.  Nothing else I did made any difference, I just had to wait for it to stop on its own.  I still get it once in a while, but it usually only lasts a few minutes now and rarely cause me to vomit anymore.  If the spasms are strong enough to make you vomit, it helps to have little trash cans around the house for when they hit suddenly.
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When you say “this site is pointless,” what exactly are you looking for?  You open up threads constantly asking the rest of us, “what is this?” 


It’s withdrawal.



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I had this quite frequently when I was on benzos and in withdrawal.  I couldn't tell whether it was my stomach or esophagus clenching, but sporadically, I would get these spasms in my stomach and chest that almost felt like the retching your body does before you vomit. In fact, it would make me quite nauseous, and anxious that I would throw up in public.  It's gone now, but this was one of my worst symptoms.
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I'm with Sofa here, Nhbuck. This site is not pointless. It serves its purpose well. You are very demanding. I can't count the times you have posted every little issue asking "what is this?"  Followed by you remarking "No one?" or " This site is pointless" or some other version of you stamping your little foot and throwing a tantrum. Just accept the fact that EVERY THING you are going through, there are many others who've endured the same thing. And as hard as it is to understand, the world does not revolve around you. People have lives and are enduring their own personal versions of hell.
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You know what then don't take the time to read the post and not help. See tons of other posts on here and if anyone is in there little click tons of replies. So he'll with this website I'm done here I don't need this shit.
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You know what then don't take the time to read the post and not help. See tons of other posts on here and if anyone is in there little click tons of replies. So he'll with this website I'm done here I don't need this shit.


I know this withdrawal sucks but posts like don't help much, we are all hurting to some degree or other and you are not unique here.

Lighten up if you can.

Your original post was at 11 pm and you had no replies 12 hours  later so thought no one was reading and you responded with a negative about this board.

Use the "vent here" section for your "venting please.



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You might help yourself more by supporting others, rather than focusing inward on your own withdrawal.  The only “cliques” you will find on this forum are on the Buddy Blogs, where it is actually intentional to form close friendships with a few people.


We are ALL suffering.  We are ALL scared.  These symptoms are nothing we have ever felt before in our lives.  You are no exception.


If you have a symptom that you are worried about, rather than open up so many threads, use the search engine.  You will quickly discover that you are one of MANY people with the same symptom.  There are 322 anecdotally reported symptoms which Ashton collected.  I’m sure your symptoms fall into one or more of her lists and categories.


If a symptom has you very concerned, go see a doctor.  Most of the time people are relieved after getting checked out.  I, personally, have not seen a doctor in 3 years.  I KNOW it’s withdrawal and not some dreaded disease.



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Srry it's just hard to think your dying when you just became a father a year ago and can't be one it's hard
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Its all cool nhbuck28,

I got into the habit of proof reading my posts a couple of times before hitting the post button, I have written some down right nasty things and not posted after a second look, it is only normal to be pissed off with our situation but remember we are all in the same boat and trying to help each other.

I still read the success threads when I am down or think I have a unique problem, most of the time I find someone else who has or had the same problem and has gotten over it.


If you post at night or some other time when people are not generally available give it some time for replies.




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You are a new father, so this process is especially tough with all the added responsibilities that are so difficult to handle.  Lockie on this forum is a new father too.  Went through the pregnancy and birth, all while in withdrawal.  PM him and/or read his post history.  You are not alone.  Drew 28, new father too.  Symptoms are unpleasant and sometimes unbearable.  You will be okay.  Lockie took CBD oil for awhile.  Then it backfired on him.  A fragile CNS cannot handle drugs and supplements.  Please just think logically about the state your body is in and don’t give it more to deal with while it is trying desperately to heal you from this.



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First of all, congratulations for being a new father! On top of this you are dealing with withdrawal. And, yes, stomach clenching is a withdrawal symptom. Benzos act like antihistamines and muscle relaxants, and during withdrawal the HPA axis/CNS get so dis-regulated that affects us with all kind of symptoms. Histamine is important in the digestive tract to break down food and acid production and relax the stomach. So when is dis-regulated we can have all kinds of issues. If you are very concerned about you may want check it out with a GI doc. My acid production got so dis-regulated I developed gastritis due to taking too much Ibuprofen I was taking for the headaches I developed two months ago. They come and go but the pain is manageable. Eating a low histamine diet is crucial during this process. Do your own research about the foods you can and cannot eat. I had to change my diet drastically because I was eating the wrong foods. Many people during withdrawal develop food sensitivities like I did. I cannot eat the foods I had no problem before. After doing a blood test it showed my sensitivities and it showed I couldn't eat gluten nor avocados, certain fruits that are all high in histamine. Too much histamine can cause headaches and all sort of other problems, like itching, benzo flue, etc. This is why many of us when we take benadryl we can get some sleep; is because it is an antihistamine. I try to not to take it a lot, but sometimes I have to get some relief. I am going through a horrible wave right now, no sleep :(...Hang in there!

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My stomach will cave in and start pulling upward into my chest. I have no idea what it's trying to do, I always get uneasy when it happens. Almost like it got twisted out of whack from all the stress the poison has caused
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