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No more TEVA Boston area - Walgreens/Rite Aid and CVS


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CVS around here in Boston seems to have dropped TEVA. The manufacturer of what they are now carrying is Qualitest Pharmaceuticals Inc. Same with Rite Aid/Walgreens. No more TEVA.


Anyone been using the Qualitest Pharmaceuticals Inc. generic?


Once dissolved, which happens almost immediately compared to TEVA, the resulting liquid is much more laden with granules. I'm guessing the is filler but not sure. Anybody taper off of this brand? I'm a bit freaked out by the change.



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Yep... I just got the new med...  it's orange instead of yellow. There seems to be a lot more sediment but I am not experiencing any worse side effects or problems compared to TEVA however this whole situation is just pushing me further towards the final half of my taper. I'm not liking the fact that the pharmacy is not able to get TEVA. I trusted that brand and have no clue what I'm getting now. Not going to worry about it. I'm done in about 7-months.  ::)
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