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Out of Paid Sick Time for the Rest of the Year


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Well I left work early today. Like really early. I couldn't even make it to lunch. My energy levels are so low to the point to where I can't function, especially at work.

I was taken off Adderall CT and started my benzo taper about 2 weeks ago. I was abusing both the benzos (Klonopin and my mom's Ativan when my Klonopin ran out) and I was abusing the stims as well. For the past week or so I have been extremely nauseous and have no appetite. If I eat anything even just a little bit of food I feel like I need to throw up but I don't actually throw up. Also my bowel movements have been a few times a day and before my taper I was only going once a week *sorry gross I know but it's just so weird!


So I was wondering...does anyone else currently tapering experiencing any of these symptoms? Especially the EXTREME FATIGUE which is the worst symptom I am experiencing. I'm wondering if it's from cutting back on the kpins? Of going off the addies...but my new dr has me on ritalin so that can't be it

Also need to point out that my new (addiction) dr put me on Gabapentin for benzo withdrawal and seizure prevention. I gave him a call this morning and told him I was so tired I couldn't even function or get any work done so he told me to stop taking the Gabapentin altogether. Apparently Gabapentin causes drowsiness sooo maybe that's why I'm so tired? I am stopping the Gabapentin but worried about this making my taper journey very difficult. Just please someone talk to me I'm so sick and I'm frustrated and my job is on the line! Anyone else have the same symptoms or is it just me???!!

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No, it's not just you KPDTTM.  Just woke up and feel nauseous and so fatigued. 


The fatigue is preventing me from doing just about anyything, including daily shower.  Drag myself around.  I did have the Gi issues but thankfully they are settling.  Had a worryingly low lack of appetite but am now starting to eating small amounts. 


I am still tapering and do not take any of the drugs you cite, my problem is with Valium alone.  Cant say what might be causing your symptoms but for me can only attribute them to WD Valium. 



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I can relate to your s/x! Same as you I  have been having more bathroom visits as well since I started my taper.


I have to work no way around it! So I get up and get my shower which is a task, because of the vertigo and this was before I started my taper.

I am tired all the time and actually missed 4 days of work 2 weeks ago because of the Vertigo, and has just started my taper.


Hang in there it'll get better  :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Remember one day at a time..



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I have been tapering process for 2 and half months now. I feel totally exhausted all the time too. I feel if I can accomplish 2 or 3 tasks in a day I am doing good. Everything is suffering, housework, work etc. But the thing that keeps me going is anything I have read says it will get better with time. I think like so many others this experience is way more than we bargained for. So hang in there you are not alone.
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