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Fork out for a physio


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I've been having physical issues for quite a few years, ranging from mid-lower back issues, internal damage, and left shoulder/wrist damage, all of which have had quite a significant impact on my life for quite a while! Never had much awareness of what exactly a physiotherapist does, but after 2 sessions I've identified specific problems and as a result have come up with individualised solutions. Painkillers can help, but mask off mask off attack the source.


My pain scaling has dropped from an 8 to a 5 after just a week; my physio thinks I'll be able to regularly exercise within a month (thank benzos for the muscle flexibility, imagine them being helpful 😂) and I'm already feeling those bricks slipping off my shoulders. As much as Dr Ben Zo can help for anxiety, it can be extremely habit-forming and life-ruining. Ain't no different with Dr Poppy, these things are temporary solutions to what are often indefinite problems when not properly addressed.


Fuck it, mask off

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Great that you found a good physiotherapist. I don't think OTC drugs are ever good for long-term healing, if a person is serious about their healing. They just offer a band-aid effect, but become very seductive because suddenly the pain is gone. There is the idea that a person wants to experience that effect again and again. Working on the core issues is relegated to second place or may never be done.


True healing has to come from doing the things that are good for the body, going slowly, and properly addressing the issue, getting to the root of the problem. You can never, in my opinion, get to the root of the problem if you're always masking the pain. Finding a good practitioner to help is important. Of course, this is from someone who did just that - used a band-aid approach and didn't get to the heart of the issue out of laziness and is paying for it to this day! 


Keep up the good work!!!

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Can I ask what they are having you do to help your shoulders etc?


I have spent years doing everything physios and other people have suggested but it is so bad now I am lost.


I did my ball exercises earlier.


My shoulders are like rock. They pull on my neck and jaw.


All my muscles from top of head to calf’s are tight and spasming. I can’t find a way to get any of it to let go.

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