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Klonopin diferent manufacturer


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I got a new refill prescription from a different manufacturer in the middle of a 3 month 1 MG Clonazepan taper. Got a "PINK" pill made by ACCORD HLTHCARE instead of the green pill from "TEVA" that I was taking. I know they should be by law the same but heard that sometimes they are different for the worse. I really hate changes in the middle of my taper. If something happened you don't know who culprit is...

One of the Kroger near work still have the original green ones but they say I have to demonstrate that the pill do some bad effect on me in order to my doctor be able to ask for a new refill.

Did any body have had a similar issue during taper or regular consumption of the drug. Would appreciate any input!

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that is how i ended up in the situation i am in right now,and i think i know what you are saying i have Agoraphobia and was crippled by it,i was on 2mg clonazepam 2x a day,but this was working very good and the reason i try ed it,it never was easy a ton of work going out side,to standing in Kmart to job interviews ,then i did the impossible got a shop job and held it for all most a year,big deal for my the generic i was using the whole time was from northstar

and i hardly felt i was using anything at all,then northstar change the formula and i was miserable mental and in a bad way,i had to take it back they took it back but the one they replaced it with was just as bad ,my doctor was acting like i was crazy,i know it was the different ways the generic have different fillers binders and so on and anyone the needs  med  like this to do normal every day things know what this change they can make ,night and day so i diffnety say

they can be so differt its like a completely different med.

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CVS around here in Boston seems to have dropped TEVA. The manufacturer of what they are now carrying is Qualitest Pharmaceuticals Inc. Same with Rite Aid/Walgreens. No more TEVA.


Anyone been using the Qualitest Pharmaceuticals Inc. generic?


Once dissolved, which happens almost immediately compared to TEVA, the resulting liquid is much more laden with granules. I'm guessing the is filler but not sure. Anybody taper off of this brand?



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