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Tapering from Z with K, need feedback


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Feb 13 - 4mg K throughout day

Feb 14 - 3.5mg K throughout day

Feb 15 - 3.5mg K throughout day

Feb (17 - 21) 2.5mg (1mg am, 1.5mg pm)

Feb (22 - March 5) 2mg


Would like to cut to .5mg in am, 1mg in pm for 2 weeks starting tomorrow.

Then .5mg K both am and pm for 2 weeks.

Then just .5mg K pm for 3

Then .25mg K pm for 3

Then .125mg K for 3 weeks

Then jump


Also on Trazodone, but am experiencing light headedness and heart beat in ears one night. Listed as side affects.


Feedback please. Will discuss with doctor.

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I am having trouble with this question because I do not know what 'Z" you are talking about if you mean Xanax to Klonopin I have done that and I can help. However I have no idea what Z is and the only one is Zolpidiem for sleep. Is that It?


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This is exactly the dosage of both drugs when I started. I was on 4mg Xanax and that was a very long time ago. Xanax with it's short half-life makes you feel the need for another sooner so what I was put on was Klonopin which gave me more time between cravings or coping. I would not rush into the withdrawal from the Xanax to the Klonopin because if you tell a Dr. not working with you and not knowing the withdrawal symptoms or the Ashton Manual than you might get what is called "cold tapered" something you do not want. Always be in control of how much and how often. You Dr. may be a Dr but I imagine you know more about withdrawal than they do so you be the boss but be nice about it. Take it real real slow because you have time. Transitioning from those two meds I did and the time in between was tricky. tip toe through the taper despite your desperation to get off the meds

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My doctor transitioned me straight from Xanax to Klonopin. The last day I took Xanax was February 13, which is also the first day started the Klonopin. I've been strictly on the Klonopin since. So I'm looking at tapering the Klonopin and that's just an outline of wick I'd like to do. I'm listening to my body. I went ahead and cut n the .5 this am and 1mg this evening.
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I went from Xanax 4mg then quickly 2mg of Xanax. This was dead wrong. He was old 68 and thought it was easy to get off benzos and I just stop going to him. i lost my ability to sleep unless i really relaxed, using CBT or breathing. I decided he had no idea what I am going through. So I found a pdoc who accepted the Ashton Manual rather than keep me in the revolving door of try, this, or try that. I started out with Panic Disorder and got 33 years of Xanax or Klonopin, because he could care less. I decided to find another dr who would at least listen. Sleep was absent for weeks or months. No one believed me. Well this group would. So I tapered down from Xanax 4mg a day, to Klonopin 3 mg a day, then now 30 mgs Valium. Sleep is only gotten by Seraquel which is a hell of a drug, but you have to sleep. One person said I would die, the internal medicine dr said I was dillusional because he knew nothing about benzo withdrawl. Sometimes you have take the cure in your hands, which I did. I knew the manual and I knew all it takes it the knowing that it can be beaten if you want to. I am determined to beat it then help others as a counselor . There is this wide gap between the Dr. and the  medication they give out like candy. I know what it takes, I know how hard it is to not sleep for weeks, but I do not give up. That would mean they win, I am determined to let everyone who is given these benzos hope. That is all we need, the side effects will bring you to your knees but take an active part in the cure.  Go in with the Ashton Manual in hand and say this is what I want to follow. Mostly because they Dr.s have no clue and the drugmakers have too much profit to lose if they do not get their quoto of scripts. Any Doctor who says 4 weeks to get off Xanax should have his or her license taken away and I am now a participant in my cure rather than a blind believer in the Dr. guesswork.





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