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Worried family researching community support for Benzo withdrawls


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Family member using Valium many years.  Was detox for 5 Days in medical facility then discharged.  Trying to find doctor to support taper but not much luck.  Questions about what others are doing, how do they support themselves, OTC meds for minimal support, support groups, etc.  Family member now on day 7 with no Valium.  Was on 40 mg per day then seizure control meds for 4 Days now cold turkey nothing.  New to Denver and desperately need help.
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Hello Worried Family!


Welcome to BenzoBuddies.  I'm glad you've joined us.


Detox is a rough way to get off of benzos.  It works well for opiates because the withdrawal is relatively short.  But detox centers do not generally provided the extended care necessary to see a person who has become dependent on benzodiazepines through a withdrawal.  So we generally recommend a slow taper instead of detox or c/t.  But what's done is done.  Now the challenge is to hang on while healing and recovery begins.


There is no magic pill or therapy that will accelerate this recovery process (although I found therapy to be very helpful).  It will take time and support to see your family member through this.  There are scores individuals in the forum who either did detox or did a c/t.  I'm sure you'll find people who can sympathize with your situation, and will do their best to provide whatever support they can.


The good news is that a full recovery is possible.  I did a c/t and was able to fully heal in time.  It helps to know what might be coming down the road, so I highly recommend you read through the Ashton Manual.  The Ashton Manual is an authoritative source on what to expect in withdrawal and recovery.  Dr. Ashton is an expert in the field. Section III explains and describes symptoms.


Here are a couple of links to areas of the forum that you may find useful:

Post-withdrawal Recovery Support

Cold Turkey, Detox & Rapid Withdrawal


Please take some time to Create a Signature. This will help other members understand your history so they will be better able to support you.

Go to the top of the page and select Profile, then choose Forum Profile, insert drug history/timelines into the text box and click Change Profile.


Again, welcome.

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I can only say read as much here as possible. Sleepy time caffeine free tea has been a very good thing for me especially when I can't eat. Your family is so lucky to have you! This has been a day by day, minute to minute challenge for most of us. Here's to healing. All the best.


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Agree completely with what Badsocref said. There is no magic pill. I also sought treatment from a therapist who was amazing. She was a specialist in benzodiazepine withdrawal, and I would highly encourage you to research therapists in the Denver area who have a specialty in addiction or benzodiazepine withdrawal.  While there is no magic pill, I did find several things to be helpful and what I feel assisted in my healing.  Eating well with lots of fresh fruits and vegetables, meditation, yoga and gentle exercise was very helpful. Avoid stimulants such as caffeine and alcohol. Drink plenty of water.Also, distraction can be very useful to take one's mind off of this process. Whether it is watching mindless television , getting out of the house, or reading a book if one is able. Best wishes. Missy
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