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Take a nap


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I have noticed that I can't take a nap during the day despite I'm tired. I have also noticed that sometimes I do dot know if I sleep or not so I have tought that I haven't slept but being wake eyes closed and then afterwards someone says that infact I slept. Today I got the proof about it so I was in bed and said to my wife that I'll rest a little eyes closed. About 30 minutes I opened my eyes and taught I have rested about 10 minutes but my wife told be I slept almost 20 minutes and snored. She even recorded it by her phone so I got the evidence I have slept. Well, first of all this is good news as I trust sleeping enough speeds recovery...or at least do not harm it. I also have evidence now saying that I sleep more than I think so it is additional good news and third this confirms my thoughts about benzos disturbing sleep and making it lighther.


It might be that this what I wrote is already well known here in BB but decided write anyway. T

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Hi Thomas66,


Yes, this is well known in this community but not for newer members.  It is always good to post positive things.  I think we all get more sleep than we think.  I had a similar experience where my wife recorded me snoring and she said I slept about an hour.  This was last year when I wasn't sleeping much at all.  I would claim I didn't sleep and she would say you were sleeping both times I got up to go to the bathroom.  Anyway, it gets better and it is really nice when you notice longer stretches of sleep, such as 2 or 3 hours.  I still wake up a lot at night but get nice 2, 3 and sometimes 4 hour blocks of sleep without waking up.  It is a long road for some of us.  You will recover and get your sleep back.  Stay away from any Rx drug to help you sleep. 

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Hi, thanks about repply. I totally agree so I stay away sleeping pills and let natural sleep return. It seems that we about in the same stage as I get 2,3 and even 4 hrs blocks during the night as well. My first block is typically longest and includes deep sleep, then 7 have 1-2 additional blocks that are not that long. I think current situation is already manageable, not good but not bad either.
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I been off ativan my second time since December 10th so over 2 and half months, only thing I sometimes take is Nyquil, Cough Nyquil mostly to sleep cause I always keep having a cough and hacking at night, I have no allergys so not sure why I have this but its all the time!
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